Mehelich wheels. Cool wheels no longer manufactured. I was a dealer for them back in the day when I had a shop
I'm fairly certain I took this with an old 50mm summicron DR. I know I only had a 28 and a 50 with me... and this doesn't look like a 28 to me...
Same photo seen in the print edition of Jalopy Journal #2; I still have mine on my bookshelf. Okay, @Ryan: When @Tom davison says "Nice shot"..... you know you have arrived! BTW, nice shot!
From the same shoot, but different shot technically... When I first got my M6, I wasn't great with the light meter. So, I often used my M8 to meter a scene, take a shot, and then copy the settings to my M6 for another shot on film. It's sort of how I learned to spot meter more efficiently.... Was really hard at Bonneville with all the bright white, so I have just about every shot on took on film as a digital file as well. I believe all the shots in the book were digital.
I think I liked it better with the simple flames sans striping... but I'm boring as shit and willing to live with it.
Hey @Ryan Well my paltry attempt at photography, is nothing compared to your most excellent Black and White. So that being said, I would have to agree about the extra striping. Thanks from Dennis.
And here I was thinking, "Ya know those flames would be just a lick better with a mild stripe..." and there it is. At least it ain't red or yellow stripes Quick edit, in casual observation it looked like green stripes. I zoomed in a lot more and, fuck me they do look yellow. At least it's a greenish shade of yellow. Dammit, hate being a ½ assed outcast
would you have a pic of that please ? This has been a favourite car of mine for some time, and it sounds amazing Johnny
It was part of our Jalopy Journal books release… #3 I think… I’m sure I have one I can take a pic of. I’ll see if I can dig it out today.