I have a V belt for my Black and Decker valve grinder that I want to find an interchange to a modern belt. The belt that is suppose to fit my machine # 16286-2 is too big. The old belt that fits my machine was made by US Royal and is number 16285. Does anyone have an interchange chart for US Royal belts to a modern belt? It's 3/8 wide and about 21" in diameter. The machine doesn't have much adjustment so I need the right one.
If you go to a (real) auto parts store, they should have a tool to measure the old belt and get you one that is the same size. A 3/8 wide belt is typically going to cross to a 13xxx type number or a 3Lxxx number I think. The xxx is the length circumference of the belt in inches xx.x format. So using your 21 inches diam, that is approx a 21 x 3.14 = 66 inches. Which would be like a 13600, or 3L600. But verify with the belt measuring tool, that way you get the right one.
For my old valve refacer I had to do the same thing, but I came across a site that showed how and what to measure for the belt. Got one size smaller for stretch and it worked fine. I still need the rope style belt that. Tire of packing the pulley with friction tape this may help https://www.vbeltsupply.com/how-to-...MIiJj2naSAjAMVIxatBh1fRCvREAAYASAAEgKjXfD_BwE
Could you use an adjustable link V-belt? I've found them in 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8". I've used them on table saws and not thrown or burned one up.
Except that the belt is 3/8" wide and about 21" long so that doesn't help at all. The US Royal numbering must be before the new numbering system came to be.
From chart above, 3/8" wide is 12/32" which would be 12-xxx. When you say 21" long (belt folded in half)? Or measured around the outside, using a cloth measuring tape? Or cut, so the length can be measured?
My local NAPA let me buy a selection of 3/8" belts around the anticipated length needed, to take with me to our remote property and return the ones that were wrong. Saved much time.
Can't find a cross reference for US Royal numbers yet, but it's not automotive belt, so try Farm and Fleet or Tractor Supply for fractional HP belt match-up.