Hey, Tim; RAK n 6ball sorta covered it. Partial-flow is just fine - somewhere I read/found the specs on volume-flow, & it only takes a couple minutes to filter everything via that method. Maybe not quite as nice as a full-flow, but absolutely certainly worth it. &, btw, you can use a filtering medium that is finer than a spin-on, if you wish. Yes, you can change to full-flow. I'd stick w/the partial-flow. The only advantage to FF is at least *some* of the bearings get cleaned-oil 1st(not all do always, depends on the designer/mfgr). The canister you have will work well for that, but not for a full-flow-conversion(no over-pressure blowoff/diverter valve). IIRC, you need a restrictor in the in-line, ~ .060 dia should do well. It's only a small siphoning-off effect anyways. Lines don't have to be very large, but the outlet could be larger than the inlet. Match to what you have, it'll work well. Inlet goes into the side ~midway up, outlet comes out at bottom-center of canister. The inlet will of course, be pressurized, but the outlet is almost gravity-flow. I'd dump it into the oilpan, 1st choice. Other places that'd work well would be the lifter valley, or the oil fill tube at the front of the mill. Just take abit longer to get into the pan. Not critical, just don't dump it into the rocker boxes, as the flow out of those is atrociously slow. If you can get the '39 ford top to work, that'd be killer. *NEED* a write-up(ya - tech-version, please. ). All the sudden, the top-shifter conversion might get either cheaper or easier. . Marcus...
Really interesting. I know how to get the leaver out of Fords & Chevys but the Jeep is way different to get the leaver out of for mods. I had no idea the '39 would be that close. I wonder how the forks line up? I to feel the partial filtering is adequate. If I changed the return I'd put it into the pan. The valley is also slow and dumpy the oil on the distributor gear that whips it up. Or so I've read.
That all makes since. From what I read and see the optional stock filter canister had a bracket that bolted it to the oil breather stand and then dumps it down the breather so my first thought is to emulate that set up with this canister I have. It has two threaded bungs in the breather tube, it’s pretty beefy. Should be a fun little bracket project
Tim/All: I looked for the breather for the 59 motor but couldn't find it but no matter. The shop manual says the feed line to the partial flow filter comes off of the front of the drivers side head, I took a picture of it for you. The filter drains into the breather tube, probably at the bottom and that goes into the lifter gallery. FYI; the oil feed for the timing gears is from the oil pressure relief valve located on the passenger side front down low, not the filter drain line. I also wanted to point out that at the rear passenger side of the head is the feed port for the oil pressure gauge (rubber flex line) ; also pictured. It's the same port that's used for the filter feed because the heads aren't side-specific. Lastly, I included a couple of pictures of where the full flow filter is located and what one looks like, it's the same one used for the sixes so if you ever got a bare block and needed one either a six or V8 will work.
Awesome thanks man I appreciate all that. I bet you could drill the block off plate and tap it for a line fitting and be set! Just need to figure out how to add the restrictor to the line at the head.
There may already be one at the feed line fitting on the filter, I'd check before doing anything else.
Well the other day I thought “dang that looks good with no headlights! Maybe it needs a dropped headlight bar?” so I real quick flip flopped it and set it on the car. Yup. That needs the happen. we tried a few other ideas but this is what we ended up doing today. We welded some tabs to the table to hold our stock width and mounting points. We had to move it around a few times to alow the bar to be dropped past the bottom of the tabs and not hit the table. In retrospect I wish we had drilled some holes and bolted it on. It would have saved a little time double checking measurements but as it happened we could still see on the tab and the headlight bar where we had tacked it together at one point and used those are registration marks. that set up we tacked the headlight bar flange to the table and a 1” inside diameter pipe over the bottom bolt hole. I had read a lot about guys getting a good drop and then not being able to get the lower bolts in/put. I wanted to be able to pull a one inch length bolt out no problem. So we heated and bent the end over the pipe. Second one went smoother with a little more heat. I think you could really get good at this and get a little stretch in it if you wanted to. then for the second bend we welded another tab to the table and a smaller diameter pipe to the table to bend it around. We checked the angle of the very first tabs we put on the table before starting all of this and checked it while doing this. Mounting flange to horizontal bar between lights. gratuitous flame photo. that ends up stopping with the mounting cup hitting the pipe. So grabbed a piece of scrap and tacked it together the table and the headlight bar to isolated the last little bit of bending to get all the angles correct turned out pretty cool! The shape of the ends remind me more of an old hotrod or drag car than an aftermarket swan neck but I like it. Feels like that’s what it wanted so that’s what got done. We did end up cutting the ends off the bar just shy of the mounting cups and adding I think a 1/2” of solid rod to both clear the head light buckets and stretch back out to be bolted back to the car. This took a little tweaking to get right but not to crazy. I think if you wanted to you could find a method to heat the end and pull the mounting flange out the 1/2” which would pull it away from the bucket and give a more swan neck gentle curve. Lots of ways to do this. I’ve already got plenty of ideas on what I’ll do next time. not really sure how much drop we ended up with but I’d say 4” or a little more is a good guess. I’d have to hold a stock one against it. a little before and after. I always think it looks coolest under the single garage opener light. Figure about 20% of the headlight bucket was above the hood side top before the drop looking at these photos.
Looks great! Neat way to do it bending it around the pipes like that. The width was the thing that hung me when I did mine. Funny, reading in the Vern Tardel AV8 book he talks about it stretching when dropped and having to shorten them so I wasn’t even expecting the trouble I had being short. I like your solution and killed two birds. Nice job!!
First thing I did on mine, it makes such a huge difference. I borrowed a jig from a friend and my issue was the opposite, my bar was a little too long in the end.
Went out and made a little progress last night getting the frame leveled and blocked in place before I make the next moves on drivetrain mounts. so far I’m about 75% done. I’ve got about a 1 or 2 degree lean at the engine/ front cross member that I ran out of time to sus out last night. Should be able to get to it tomorrow. also had to try this out because, well it was just sitting there. its for an olds rocket but I’ll be darned if the angles and general size isn’t pretty dang close. Sure high lights how smaller the ports on the Stude are than an olds. The rocket is at least 20% bigger. anyhow that’s about it for an update. I did get the ball rolling on supplies for boxing plates so I’m pretty hopefully about a productive spring. I can’t wait to be able to roll this thing outside again.
this is where you seperate the real hot rodders from the bolt on guys.... me... I have way more money than time... so all my model A's have the 100 buck polished bolt on drop head light bars....
thanks, I'm on the look for a 34 commercial for my trog/gow/roc pre war racer... they're a couple inches deeper and gonna need one for the 26 body on the Aframe to get a stock off something hood to fit
Spent an hour or two last night finishing up blocking the frame in place and measuring the engine to make sure it’s exactly where I want it. its dead nuts on. I started making some “stands” to hold it in place. They will bolt to the center exhaust manifold and sit on the frame with Some angle iron. Should keep it from moving any direction and I can pull the wood blocks out with finalize the real motor mounts in place.
Should have them finished Monday but for now here’s me getting the idea on “paper” just need to fit the square tube and stick it all together I don’t think it will be needed at all but I’ll probably clamp the angle iron to the frame just for peace of mind. With the trans ratchet strapped in place I don’t think it should go anywhere when I remove the blocks
Is it a super pretty piece of fabrication? No. Will it hold? Probably. Had to shim some metal under the angle iron which I then clamped down. Between things moving around a little with heat and the layers of fenders/ aprons/ frame it’s not to surprising. I’m going to take a few reference measurements and attach the hoist before I yank the blocks “just in case”
Got these dodge? 16” wheels with the small ford bolt pattern for the 8” in case I want to run solids and thought I’d see if these 47-8 caps fit yup! These must be originals because they were sooooooooo tight on the ford wheels I removed them from and went on equally hard to these. After reading of so many people having a hard time finding round 35’ wires and switching to solids it couldn’t hurt to have a set to the side.
Alright! It’s sitting on the temp mounts/stands and everything seems good. I took a few measurements to compare/ confirm placement but this morning before I pulled the blocks I also set up my laser level and taped the front of the motor for horizontal and vertical. After pulling the blocks the passenger side and the vertical had not changed at all but the drivers side was maybe a 1/16 or less different. Kinda feels like maybe I marked the line funny if that’s all it changed but tonight I’ll check everything against the measurements and re check it all for level to make sure we are still good. Seems a 1/16 or 1/32 is still within tolerance. I’ll keep ya posted. also noticed after removing the existing frame mounts that we did tack them a couple times so I’ll dig out the dremel and get those popped off before moving forward edit: hoist was always just barely slack while I did this just for peace of mind. That’s a heavy sucker! I’ve got it even looser now and I’ll move it this evening. I always like leaving it slack above the engine for an afternoon before I pull it just in case. I’d rather have to block it up again than deal with a motor that’s dropped and wedged it self between the frame and the floor :S figure if it’ll hold for 6 hours it’ll hold for six weeks
Alright so I did some motor mount mocking up this evening. Feel like I made good progress. clamped the hemi mount to the block and took a look at where things are landing. pretty dang close! it did need some tweaks however so I cut up a cheese it’s box and whittled away at it. i noticed the hemi mounts are shapped a little different one half to the other so i wanted to make sure the stude is symmetrical. Turns out brake caliper slider bolts are a good fit for that. Stude holes are straight across and spaced the same. Though the hemi mount holes are the right size and spacing they aren’t at the right angle and “bolted on” they put the bottom 10 deg from level with the rubber. so I pulled out some @BigJoeArt blue tape and added a wedge. Bingo! you can see the hemi mount is either not wide enough or too wide as well. im thinking i will see if I can narrow it and still have space for the washer, but and wrench/ socket. That’s the next step as well as making sure the cardboard mount works as is on both sides.
If I didn’t have to make them longer on the bottom I’d just trim these up. But it finaly hit the tipping point of just make new ones. Which was plan A anyways, I was shocked these were as close to right as they were! I’m going to do some more fitting and then maybe make one out of foam core for a test fit
Alright “final” templates made. I test fit both sides to make sure they were going to be the same , and the. Put a large washer on the bolt to see where I could gain some thickness around the lower bolt holes. I haven't tried them on yet but there they are. Then I transferred this to foam core to the best of my ability and I’m waiting for the glue to dry on that. I did add a gusseting wall in it because, I mean it’s glued together foam board lol. Anyhow I did decide to make them fit inside the tabs like stock instead of going wider and bolting to the outside. Largely because the drivers side is going to be tight and take a little imagination vs the very open passenger side. I need to make sure the washer/ bolt/ tool combo still works with the narrower set up but I believe it will. also worth noting that the cardboard bottom plate is actually not “totally” correct for transferring to metal. That plate sits between the side plates so you need to narrow it twice the width of what ever you’re making it out of. When I made the foam core mount that’s exactly what I did. there’s your Thursday update