Quick update, got the metal for boxing the rails and I’m trying to schedule a morning to make the new motor mounts in metal. My good friend Jimmy who’s shop we’ve seen a lot through this thread. In parts picking and shop photos to drool over in equal amounts, has died. It’s set us all aback, and honestly just in shock. Messing with hotrods has always been a go to coping mechanism and right now that just makes me think of him so, I don’t know. I guess I’ll either make a lot of progress or I won’t go out there at all. Not really sure right now but whatever happens I’ll keep ya posted.
Whenever I'm down I go for a walk, or a series of walks, usually at sunset or just after dark, and just let my mind think about nothing. Usually there's some sort of wild animal to see or someone trying to run me off the road, so whatever was keeping me down takes a back seat for a bit. I'm sorry you lost your friend. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about Jimmy. Never easy, but I'm sure he would want you to keep chipping away. Prayers have been with all you guys with such a loss.
https://rumsey-yost.com/2025/03/jimmy-lee-flowers/ Looks like the service is Sunday. I’ve been going out and picking at the car a bit, nothing worth an update but soon.
Tim, Sorry you lost a friend. Good ones are hard to come by. Remember him but make new ones or you'll run out of them. I have lost several in the last few years. The older you get the more it happens. Hang in and make him a part of what you do.