My question is, when painting something satin black, what kind of red should the wheel rims be painted, matt, satin or gloss? I know gloss black should be matched with gloss red, but I dont know bout the others. Im lookin at pics but cant really tell.
To be truly authentic, use oil-base gloss house paint in bright Chinese Red...applied with a brush. Not a joke. That's how it was done back in the day. Nobody had home spray rigs back then and body shops were too expensive. Today's hot ticket is powder coat, glossy of course, which will survive white wall cleaners and won't surrender to rust under the bead as quickly. Hope this helps.
I use Duplicolor acrylic enamel out of the spray bomb , get it at any parts store , lays out nice &slick , durable , and stands up to the blue wolf degreaser , imho
Start with gloss out of a spray can. Over time, it will fade to matt, then to flat, then you respray. Bob
that MIGHT just be a little difficult to get something that matches that exact. being limited to where I can buy. powder coatings a bit outa my budget. but atleast I know what to aim for. Matt and flat, not the same? Duplicolours I can get. but theres so many damn shades. I guess if I just get gloss red in the same paint as the satin black, it should do okay. but it does raise an important question, what shades of paint are people using these days?
Get Rustoleum Ford Engine Red in a spray can if you can. Nice shade and holds up pretty well on wheels (and engines!)
Definitions can vary, but I'm under the impression that "matt" equates to "satin". That's just my perception; other opinions may differ. Bob
I remember over 30 years ago painting the wheels on my '53 F-100 with a can of Red Devil red enamel and a brush. It lasted for years
To go back to your question, I think what you are asking for are rules. There are none. Most paint comes as gloss, therefore most people paint their wheels in gloss. The rest is up to you.
Dollar Store "Red" spray can. $1.49 + tax.You can touch them up every week at that price !!!! LOL.Tom ( Tired Old man)
Gloss. In my era commonly the wheels were painted Rustoleom Red it was gloss paint. That is if the wheels were painted red at all. More often than not wheels that got painted were on mom's car and they usually stayed the factory color with a super stock wedge. Before the car went back to the driveway the stock hub caps were put back on. But then I'm a '60s kid. We did learn the Rustoleom Red from the older guys who would have been '50s kids. They probably learned from the guys before them and so on as that's the way it was done BH, before the HAMB.
I used Rustoleum "Sunrise Red", not as cheap as the dollar store, but touch up is available pretty much anywhere.
Glossy powdercoat done in my garage with a cheap Eastwood unit. I did it six years ago and it's survived even with carefully applied whitewall cleaner. I apologize if my car makes anyone ill...that's life, deal with it.
My chrome wheels came from Wheel Vintique with the centers already primered ,,so i painted the centers with the same acrylic i used for the flames/scallops, ,,then clear coated em ,,,got tired of people stealing my chrome trim rings ,,so i went with chrome wheels ,,
Don't make me ill at all. Ya just never see one with the spare tire. Hmmmmn you must drive it farther than the to the trailer.
Maybe just england but if I ask for matt here, I get flat, so I have to specify satin. That sounds.... terrible. I have seen white beauty rings on red rims no white walls, pardon the non traditional car, only pic i could find online. This whole black/white/red thing is traditional, its just been used on so many abortions, theyve give it negative connotations. imo anyway. thanks for the replies, its a good reference for anybody.
I for one still like the red wheels on a flat/satin black car or truck or red wheels on most any other color car/truck! But I'm secure in my likes and dislikes and don't need to put on a front for the other so called custom/hot rod folks....
rustoleum carnival red ... looks spot on correct, very durable, never use krylon very low quality , wears and fades terrible
BTW, I missed the thread the first go-round, what did you do? Flat,matt,satin, semi-gloss, gloss or like me, haven't got around to it yet! Me, I would go with GLOSS RED. And like my bi line ~ "like a moth to a flame" HRP
I had some weirdo stop by looking for a former neighbor, I had to tell him he moved away a year ago. I had my car out and guy starts reminiscing about the old times with my former neighbor, he said you know that crazy sumbitch once painted a 50 merc with a mop. I felt enlightened after hearing that story