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spider caps and trim rings 15" question

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by unclescooby, May 5, 2005.

  1. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
    Posts: 3,798

    from colorado

    that seems a bit on the cheap side. and the market would bear a bit more too, i'd say a decent price would be $109 to $119.

    i'd like to see them repopped, i'd love to run a set with fogged wheels. what i don't look forward to is every jesse james wannabe sportin them on his flat black 49-54 chevy with a shitty top chop.
  2. Wasahawaiianrat
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 435


    ray is right, it would be nice to repop them but if they are that reasonable every one and their mother will have them but i still want some:D
  3. monsterflake
    Joined: May 13, 2003
    Posts: 3,763


    $100 is a bargain, i'd buy some, even if i didn't need 'em right away...
  4. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068


    i d be in for $100...
  5. At 80.00 per set, you will have to sell an awfully lot of them to cover the metalspinners setup fee.

    Have you had a chance to see one?, feel it? Obviously not. there is no way you can make a quality ring that will stay on a wheel for that price.

    My guess is they will turn out like the repop Spyders when they first came out, real pieces of shit.

    You can't hardly get the real ones to stay on. If Cal Custom had problems, what makes you think you won't too?
  6. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068


    his dad and him make caps and wheels for a living, i think they can figure this one out..
  7. FoMoCo_MoFo
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
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  8. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    I'll make them better than cal custom, we get caps spun all the time.
  9. jrock54
    Joined: Sep 7, 2006
    Posts: 10


    Id want a set!
  10. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    I'd get a set I think.
  11. Bull
    Joined: Mar 17, 2006
    Posts: 2,288


    I'd likely be in for a set or two.
  12. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,705


    yeah, count me in. I need a set for 14" wheels, but I might buy a set for 15" for future use
  13. usmile4
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 690


    I would take a set.
  14. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    I got a hold of a couple of the rings and checked them out. Everything thing looks good so far. I just sent one of the rings and a couple wheels to fit to the guy that does metal spinning for us, so in a few days we should know the price for sure and if we're gunna do them or not. We're fairly certain that we are going to. I'll keep you posted.
    Jimmy McLean
  15. Dat Dirty Rat
    Joined: Jan 15, 2003
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    Dat Dirty Rat

    Hell, count me in...I have 2 complete original sets but afraid to run them a/c of them poss. popping off going down the road or even worse,,,,THIEFS!
  16. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    Ok guys, the spinning got my samples today and I placed an order for them! He said they would be done in about three weeks, then we have to get them chromed, so I predict that we'll have them ready to sell in about a month. You guys have the inside info some you guys that have original sets better sell them on ebay before thier price goes down too much.
  17. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,705


    awesome! keep us posted. I'd really like a set for a 14" wheel
  18. I'm with you on this for sure.

    I looked three years to find a set so my wheels would be different than the norm.
    Everybody is out to make a buck.
    Nice old original parts are sacred anymore.
    Seems like everything is available in repop now days.
    It's just not in my DNA to put reproduction parts on my cars.

    To Wheelkid:
    Thanks for the heads up so those of us who have originals could have the oppourtunity to sell them, but I will hold on to mine.

    Instead of becoming the Wal-Mart of the trim ring world, why don't you make them and sell them for what the market will bear?
    You know SUPPLY vs. DEMAND = PRICE?
    That would be about 4 times the price you quoted in an earlier post.
    Make all you want and sell all you want, just don't disgrace a nice rare wheel accessory by whoring it out at such a low price.

    I realize you are only 19, working for daddy's company, but someday you'll understand the value in that kind of thinking.

    I've got some ultra-rare Cadillac ambulance roof lights, perhaps you would be interested in re-popping some of them too?
  19. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068



    i cant wait, get me down for one set
  20. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    Hell yes I'm out to make a buck, this is what I do for a living. These were always an aftermarket part.
    As for selling them for way too much; Demand will change, and after we start to sell them supply will be unlimited. We use a different equation to figure our prices. We think about what it's going to cost us to make in parts and labor and then add a little more for profit. I'm not out to screw anyone. How would you feel if you bought a set for $300 because demand was high when they first came out and then a year later, when the market become saturated, you find out we're selling them for $100 because demand had dropped off. Screwed, that how you'd feel.
    As for your lights, I think they may be missing a part of the supply and demand equation- Demand. They may be rare, but so is the guy who wants them.
  21. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068


    agreed becuase there is a demand, but most of us wlil buy right away, then its a matter of how often someone needs em...

    i think the price is fair, and i would be mad as HELL if they were $300 now, $100 next year... which happens TOO much with car parts...

    then again, for $300, i wouldnt be in, otherwise i wouldve had a set of originals by now...
  22. Dakota
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,535

    from Beulah, ND

    id be interested in a set for 14"....
  23. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
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    from Ohio

    WAAAAAAAAH! you cant do it! Waaah! i say you cant do it!they'll be junk! shut up and let the man try to make some and THEN see if they're lame or not.oh,and at $80 i'd buy a set :X
  24. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    Ok guys, theres something you sould know. I don't know how the whole thing about rim size got started but since these rings attach where the hubcap would ussually, rim size does not matter at all. All that matters is the hubcap size. There are four different outside knob hubcap sizes I can think of off the top of my head. 10 1/8" was used on all Ford wheels that are outside knob, This size is also used on most chevy outside knob wheels. 11" was used on Mercs from 49-51, 9" was used on corvairs, and 8 3/4" is used on all mopar stuff. We are making these rings in 10 1/8" size which is by far the most common. Just as an example, our rings will fit on the optional 16" wheels Ford had from 49-52, the normal 15" wheels from 49-56, and Fords 14" wheels from 57 and up, or whenever it was they switched, 57 I think it was anyway.
  25. I have the original Cal-Custom list of all of the wheels by make and size the rings will fit
  26. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    Oh very cool, Would you like to share?
  27. Custom54
    Joined: Feb 20, 2006
    Posts: 803


    I would be interested in a set for Chevy 15" wheels, keep me posted.

  28. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,705


    in that case I'm definitely in! Let me know when they're available!!
  29. Can You Make Square One's Too For Those Wanting To Still Be The Same Only Different...
    This Will Only Drive Up The Originals $
    So Hang Onto Your Old Boxes For The Ebay Small Ring Boom!

  30. STIFF
    Joined: Aug 17, 2005
    Posts: 397

    from Rat Town

    I'll take a set for chevy 15's

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