Hey guys... For those of us looking into building a locost rod... what came with a decent axle? I know the econoline vans and chevy equivelants came with em, but those are increasing in price just like everything else! What do ya look for when buying em? How do you pull the specs with a tape to see if its bent? Thanks guys... I've got IFS figgered out... but this no-bump steer stuff is attracting my attention
Early 60's Dodge vans and the A-100's (think little red wagon) came with 'em. I'm not sure what years they stopped.
A brand new school bus I only mention this because the school I work at the other day got a new bus and I was thinking about how the axel under the front would look chromed(I am a sick0) and then I wondered how come we have not seen a "rat rod" yet with a giant suicide school bus axel...can you picture it? (yes I am kidding)
I thought i saw speedway was selling a straight axel set-up .looks like gasser's are back in a catalog ,COOL .
I guess the others would be early F150's... I hear on the bus axle... I was pondering if you could chop a couple inches out of it and weld it back together... then I proptly slapped myself up side the head.
Lots of axles under home made utility trailers which are usually falling apart and can be bought for next to nothing. Fords and 30's Mopars seem the most common around here.
Do ya just drill em for a kingpin when ya get em? Anybody made their own tubular axle? I saw one on ebay... But what would ya use... mild steel like a motorsicle frame?
Rocknrod....This one hasn't hit the road yet but I've built many of them for the dirt tracks and I've never had a problem....even after some pretty good crashes bent 'em up.
[ QUOTE ] Didnt a few of the Datsun pickups have an option of a straight axle? [/ QUOTE ] <font color="purple"> Last year for Datsun straight axle is 61. Also the first year of IFS for Datsun was 60. Those 2 years had both. But they are too small and lightweight for a good heavy front. I will be putting the Dodge Van axle I got for free undere my 61 Datsun truck, just need to narrow it. I had an Econoline axle I got at Pick'n'Pull for $60, but I left it with the truck while storing it at a friend's house and it disappeared. I can get another Dodge for free from the same guy, I just have to help cut the carcass up after I take what I want. </font>