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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by redmeat, Mar 2, 2004.

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  1. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Very noble cause Redmeat...I think Walmart is the new, gentle face of Fascism...they only stock what the think people "should" have....look at their music department for christ's sake...everything's the censored can thank TIPPER GORE for that one....just can buy beer, alchohol, guns and ammunition all in the same store...but not a song that has the word damn in it? Walmart's been inventing what's "right for America" for a long time now...let idiots think that they're getting a deal and they'll spend their money with you, everytime....a fine example is my brother...he was a T-shirt Vendor at car shows for years...everybody always wanted a "deal" when asked he'd say "It's $15 for one shirt, or we're having a special right now, 3 shirts for $50..." They'd have their green outta their wallets before they'd realize he was pulling thier chains...Ah well...I don't think you have to change anyone's mind on's the mass public that needs the wake-up call...It was nice to see the unions in my area fighting against Wall Fart for a while...all of the builders got pissed cuz Wally World brought in outside workers to put up their new Super the main highway here was flanked by union bought "Don't shop at Walmart"'re never gonna stop the mass public from goin for the cheap or the throw away, at least not in this lazy attituded country...I try to stay outta there when ever i can though....the place just gives me the creeps...bright lights, security cameras even in the parking lot, censored music (and probably books too), not to mention the useless knownuthins that run the place! Just my $.02...
  2. OGNC
    Joined: May 13, 2003
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    I'm with Buick59 on this one. This whole post is just a giant fart in the wind, just like that whole "Boycott Exxon and Mobile post. And I swear this is the only place on the net where you'll fina a post on boycotting Walmart with a whole shitload of support right next to a tech tip using parts from Walmart because they're cheap getting a shitload of support RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!!

    How long before we're boycotting big businesses like GM and FORD?

    Aren't they the reason that we're all here (on this board at least)?

    Wanna make a difference, write your senator, go to city council meetings, vote, get to know your assemblyman, pay attention to what's going on around you instead of feeling like the world is out of control when something happens that blindsides you. I know that it is going to cut into your American Chopper/ American Hot Rod/ Monster Garage/surfing the internet for porn time and it is boring as hall most of the time but nobody is going to do it for you!

    And, yes, I realize that was a huge run-on sentence there is no need to point it out...
  3. Hot Rod To Hell
    Joined: Aug 19, 2003
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    Hot Rod To Hell
    from Flint MI

    Being a business owner in Flint, I have to TOTALLY agree with RocketJ2...Unions protect drunk, lazy americans, and that's it. They screw everyone else, INCLUDING the economy.
  4. Killer
    Joined: Jul 5, 2001
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    I have a belly button.
  5. burndup
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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    from Norco, CA

    Oh, and what the fuck is up with Wal Mart not selling any BEER? Thats goddamn UN-AMERICAN, I tell you...

  6. Steve
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,010


    you all fucking crack me up. I dont shop at walmart becasue I hate their work practice. I know damn well though that not everything I buy could be made in the USA, well it could but it would be unreasonable and like what 40 phil said what about the dock workers. I think 40 phil summed it up quite well so I will shut my trap and watch everyone get pissed off at germs comments, which cracked me up. what is punk can't be defined except as anger and disruption, for what well thats a personal agenda otherwise you get into the whos punker then who argument which just kills it.
  7. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    I have a Pipp ick.
  8. Pigiron
    Joined: Jan 21, 2002
    Posts: 309


    I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key! Off the Pigs! Power to the People! Don't worry, be happy! Shut up and get off the computer! The car is in the garage! [​IMG]
  9. Satinblack
    Joined: Jan 1, 2004
    Posts: 970


    Well lets see....
    Walmart - Sometimes shop there
    Home Depot - sometimes shop there
    Auto Zone - sometimes shop there
    Mom & pops stores - sometimes shop there, but I'm not paying 9.99 for a can of spray paint!

    MOON - I never F%^&ing shop there, nuff said
  10. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Yeah, that's right...not every Walmart does sell beer...went down south and they didn't have it...They do in good old Wisconsin though! Just shows you what people here value the most...making sure you can always get tanked up enough to forget about how shitty livin here is...(winter/rednecks/tightwads/fatchicks/cheeseheads/.....)
  11. burndup
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,938

    from Norco, CA

    OH YES, I forgot the most despicable thing about wal mart...

    YOU AND I are helping pay the salaries of the people working there. They won't give people 40 hours... just little shifts at minumum wage. So, they can stay on Welfare too. Who pays for welfare? You and me.

    I fucking don't like subsidizing the salary of some shitty megacorporation's employees salary with deductions from my paycheck.

  12. Steve
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,010


    ok I said Id shut up but. your right burnedup they do that cause it would cost them by having to pay insurance. They are know to make workers work just under the number of hours required for benefits plus they force companies to have their products made overseas by slave labor to make them cheaper to sell in their stores. ok Im done.
  13. Jkustom
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 1,686


    One time I was being literally harassed by some greenpeace vegan nazi on the street, wearing shoes and a belt made of leather.... As me and my girl were doing our errands and getting bothered by this greenpeace chick who didnt really have a clue what she was talking about, every time we walked by her corner she would start up again.
    The last thing I said to her stopped her in her tracks.
    "You cant protest everything, cuz sooner or later you will contradict yourself."
    Yeah I shop at home depot sometimes... But I also shop at the locally owned hardware store that is closer to me anyway....I also shop at the locally owned grocerystore, and eat at the locally owned restraunts, but I also eat at mcdonalds sometimes too. Convenience is bliss....
    But mostly I look at it like I should give my money to the businesses who earn my business...
    How do franchises fit into the ban? -J.

  14. river1
    Joined: May 12, 2001
    Posts: 855


  15. Kaucher
    Joined: Jul 16, 2003
    Posts: 410



    Your heart is in the right place, However you're attacking this problem at the wrong end.

    The problem is China made products. We need to start writing our legislators about envoking tariffs on products being imported into this country.

    Tariffs would at least give American manufactures a fair playing field at costing out jobs, and/or products.

    America is losing manufacturing jobs as fast as the Chinese can import there crap into our retail stores.

    I'm in the wheel business you cannot find an American made aftermarket wheel anymore.

    Going after the chain stores will only hurt more American workers, alot of them who have lost there good paying jobs in manufacturing, and are now working there for minimum wages.

    Hurt the Chinese not Americans! KK
  16. Jeem
    Joined: Sep 12, 2002
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    Alliance Vendor

    Wrong Praisethelowered,

    WALMART=Free Enterprise

    Like I said, the missing part of the "free enterprise" equation is us. We have a choice where we shop and who we give our business to. Most people are complacent and comfortable and want their $40 DVD playuhs.

    too bad
  17. <font color="red"> .....Sorry Jkustom. . .yes COSTCO is one I am avoiding

    .....some folks say there are NO mom and pops..not true...i thought the same until I just opened my eyes and looked ..they are still their you just drive by them quickly to shop at the MONSTER sized super store..

    .....ACE is still better than Home Depot or Lowes!....

    ....GERM you speak of raising some beaners illegal fucking about how much of your tax dollars that go to the lowlife bastards at Walmart they actually have people that help their under paid employees get welfare , SSI, and government housing!...Walmart costs you more then the illegals snotnosed beanbags!

    ...for those that tell me it's a Global economy ...yes it is but sending our $$$$$ overseas is not the only point here....we also need to support the people in your community and spend some time with them.....our society has became to IMPERSONAL.......many of you miss the point on this part completely!

    Oh and for all of you that think I am some Lefto/faggot/pussy....I am a Hard-Core Libertarian...that means that I believe that the government should kepp it's hands off my wallet and my person and protect me from foreign intrests,AND in return I shall support/protect my local community as to the best of my abilities......

    this whole rant was to get people together to help themselves and their communities not to destroy big business ..there are enough SHEEP out there that that will never happen!

    R E D M E A T </font>
  18. burndup
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,938

    from Norco, CA

    Well, shit, where can I get a $799 DVD player that is CERTIFIED to have been made in USA out of entirely domestic components?

    Will it play a DVD any better than my $40 Korean one?
  19. junkboy
    Joined: Dec 30, 2003
    Posts: 55

    from Las Vegas

    Bright, intelligent, well informed and/or educated people are the minority. The masses(to make a sweeeeeping generalization) are ASSES [​IMG]. Carry on [​IMG].
  20. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Well put junkboy...
  21. Now lets look at the other side of the coin. The American Gov. puts pressure on the little countries (the ma and pa countries of this world)with high import tariffs and then expects said country to give them a low tarrif in return.

    For example....The Australian gov. Gets pushed into a corner trying to get our movie industry or some other small time gig off the ground, trying to get lower import tarriffs on movies into your country. Like Hollywood profits would be threatened by anything we could dish out. The US gov says no problem, give us your wheat or sugar or orange growers or steel or coal industry. With lower import tarriffs on that US made product into Aust. But won't change the tarrif on same US product be it wheat, coal or what ever. It's never apples for apples. This is happening right now, our 2 govs are in negotiations as we speak.

    Now don't get me wrong I don't really have a problem with all this, it just doesn't make any sence to me seeing one boat load of australian oranges leaving our port heading for La. to get passed by 3 American boats comming in to dock. Go ahead shut your borders to imports but shut your borders to exports as well. We live in a global economy, GET USE TO IT. You complain about the cheap Chinese tools etc. you have to buy now. I wonder how the Chinese feel about have to put up with Mc Donalds. The Capitalist world got rich exploiting the slaves in this world. Those days are gone now we only have each other left to exploit. Capitalism (Greed)isn't that the Western way.
    By the way I do try and avoid the big chain stores when possible, But Target etc. are here to stay. Have a nice day [​IMG] [​IMG]
  22. gotcha
    Joined: Feb 26, 2004
    Posts: 176

    from Sanger, TX

    I opened an upholstery shop about 6 years ago. It was slow taking off, but now I get business from all over...The bad thing is, work comes and goes with the seasons, so I had to get a "real job"...Our local hardware store burned to the ground about 3 years ago. I built many car parts from pieces I got there. Now, all we have is a local lumber yard that has a small section in the back that has a few hardware parts. As for me, I try to build parts if I can't buy them local...I'm on board to support local business.

  23. Jeem
    Joined: Sep 12, 2002
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    Alliance Vendor

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, shit, where can I get a $799 DVD player that is CERTIFIED to have been made in USA out of entirely domestic components?

    Will it play a DVD any better than my $40 Korean one?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey man, I received a cheepie DVD player for X-mas. Do you think, out of principal, I'll return it? Probably not. I'm not preaching, I'm just stating what's going on. I'm making a conscious effort to try to utilize the products and services of the small guy.
  24. Satinblack
    Joined: Jan 1, 2004
    Posts: 970


    Yes I agree, sucks that thay don't give 40hr weeks. But on the other hand, how can they shit is so expensive now including insurance. And where nowdays can you find a place to work that offers retirement? Things have changed alot through the years and there are a ton a reasons why its that way now. Impossible to pin point any one reason for the problem. Oh well, back to the important stuff, cars cars cars. Satin
  25. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    There's too much government....just let the chips fall where they may.....everything will work out much better without all the rules and regs.....

    Doesn't the cream still rise to the top?....Oh yeah, I more cream....gotta use that fake ass powdered shit in my coffee.
  26. Pigiron
    Joined: Jan 21, 2002
    Posts: 309


    I will bet that within the next 5 years or less you are going to see Chinese made steel Model A roadster and 32 Ford bodies being sold at low cost (compared to Brookville and others). You think Walmart is the problem? [​IMG]
  27. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,229

    from Orange, Ca

    Burtrido, for your info, the US is the largest single IMPORTER of foriegn products in the world. We don't export anywhere near what we import.

    China is damned glad McDonalds it there. Without it's trade agreements with the US, China would still be a third-world nation. They know it. In one of their latest presentations to the WTO they outlined a plan to triple their gross national product in an ambitious ammount of time (I believe it was 5 years!). Central to their plan was increasing (actually quite drastically), imports and exports with the US, specifically. This is from a country whose GNP had climbed at a rate far below global averages for decades. But in the last 10 years they doubled their GNP through more open trade agreements mainly with the US. The Chinese Steel industry is absolutely hemoraging money (think of all the new sky-scrapers) whereas the once-dominant steel industry (Rockafeller, etc) in the US, has all but dried up. This is due to us agreeing to get our steel from China, with relatively low tarrifs. Our steel corporations are unable to compete.

    Ask an Australlian government official the next time you have a chance, how much money is generated (for Australia) from trade with the US? I don't know off hand but I bet you'd be surprised.

    This is what I mean by the complexities of the relationship between what we import and export and where we buy our goods being complex.
  28. InPrimer
    Joined: Mar 10, 2003
    Posts: 778


    perhaps you should review the movie "Gung Ho" perfect American logic in action....
  29. Satinblack
    Joined: Jan 1, 2004
    Posts: 970


    Well if the prices of 32 stuff keeps going where its going, then it wouldnt surprise me. I can't afford one!
  30. ruralrod
    Joined: Dec 10, 2002
    Posts: 491


    very good post , the big box stores are the worst thing that has happen to this U S A. I agree totally boycott the bastards. if a person is looking for the cheapest price no matter what , it tells me alot about the person. I think we should pile all those people up in one of the box stores and let them all live there for like a year ,with no contact to the rest of us sane people. maybe they screw each other. I HATE Box stores,. Long live the Mom and Pops of America..
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