Any one know of any factory used Gm spindles will fit on a stock modle A axle? I have heard that the 48-54 chevy stuff will work but dont know how much truth the is to that, and I dont want to rip apart two rolling cars just to find out they dont work together.
I've seen the GM spindles mentioned on a ford straight axle but the axle had some heavy notching done with a torch for clearance...
I haven't personally done it but GM spindles can be neatly used on Ford I beams.GM used kingpin type spindles into the early 60s on cars .I know for sure that Pontiac used this type spindle on 1960 Bonnevilles because my brother-in-law used a set on his A beam from his 60 bonneville but he had to have some spacers made to fit between the axle and spindle and some work needed to be done for the kingpin to fit.Unfortunatly he passed away a few years ago an i was only 12 when he did this swap so exact details are not available from me.I think with all the advancements in rodding since the late 60s that much better brakes can be had for less work today
The early chev spindles will work but you need to ream the ford axle to fit the chev king pin. Try doing a search on here. I know this has been covered before.
hey thanks for the advice guys but I think I am going anouther rout I can order a Mas axle with spring and rods for pretty cheap, the plus side to this is that I can order it to fit the GM spindles, but thanks anyway, this place is badass Im glad i found it.
the front end is going in a chevy for one, and there is a 496 BBC sitting in the frame rails, somthing about using 77 year old spindles, the axle would be fine I think. but I dont know about the spindles. kind of looking for the chevy lug pattern