This deck lid came on the '35/'36 coupe I just bought. I thought it was the correct one until I went to make some trunk hinges for it. It had shoebox hinges cobbled on it, so I blamed the poor fit on that. It fits perfect width wise, and the overall curve is right. The problem is the top edge has a curve to it, where-as the body doesn't, also it appears the lid is 1.5-2" too short. Both the lid and the car are pretty hammered, so its hard to tell it if I just seeing things or ??? Any help would be appreciated. TIA, Matt
I think Ford lids of those years had a lip on the edge that pointed down, not rolled under like yours. And the inner panel doesn't seem "Fordish" to me. Obviously not a 35-36 lid, and probably not even Ford. But, a pretty close fit! Maybe since the car is so tough, you modify the trough on the body to fit the lid?
I agree with alchemy definately not ford . looking at the underside photo I wonder if it didn't come off more of a luxury car like packard or something. lol
Anyone else have any ideas? I've narrowed it down to "not ford". I've compared it to similar year GM and Mopar, but nothing looks quite right. I've got a '36 ford lid coming, so I'd like to sell this one, maybe I'll put on ebay as a "canadian '36 ford deck lid"
Anyone else have a guess? The handle is a nice cast piece. The trunk handle rotates 90 degrees to latch/un-latch the trunk. The hinges bolt where I have the u-channel bolted, 2 bolts on each side. Looks like could also have been set-up for a rumble lid.
I think that the deck lid you have is off of a 1934 or 35 Hudson Coupe. It is not a plymouth, dodge, chrysler, willys, ford, or studebaker from what I can tell. I have looked at all of these makes from 1933- 1937. I hope this helps narrow your search down.
I don't know about your lid but would sure like to find a deck lid for a 36 Dodge or Plymouth coupe . Not a rumble seat lid but a full trunk . Any help would be appreciated .