You've just had some amazing artists respond to your post.(Even if they are trying to act humble!!) I'm in the north Texas area and have been practicing for the last 8 years.........and I still suck!
I never pass up the opportunity to watch another striper work, I've learned a lot that way and recommend any body interested in striping do the same. I was lucky enough to spend some time withTom Sanborn when I picked my brushes back up, kind of a mentor of sorts. He's been slinging paint since 1957 and is one great guy. I remember watching 'Lucky of Texas' striping cars while I was in the Navy in South Carolina about 20 years ago.
I have been striping since early 97, and still learning new tricks and different brushes to use. I have a pretty good collection now. the HAMB is a good place to learn about different techniques.
I don't know caffine but safarinut is like family.I haven't seen him in a long time.I miss tagging with him.
hey thanks man, how long have you been striping? i love your work. ive made alot of improvement over the last couple of months, but again, i have no pictures to show yet.
since retiring this year i have taken up Pinstriping. Its a slow steady process learning,but if ya keep your head down and your hand steady each time gets better.
I stripe when someone nails me down...picked up some lessons from a buddy of mine about 10 years ago....maybe when I retire from my real job I'll have more time to play.
i've got a ways to go been at it almost 2 yrs its like all things in life if you dont work hard at it and practice you will never get a handle on it heres a couple of mine not as good a most on here but i'm trying to learn
I've been striping now for about 10 years, and I still learn something new everyday. Gotta keep learning. Us younger guys are lucky, we've got a wealth of knowledge in the form of books, videos, and my favorite: Pinhead events. Any striper, experienced or novice, owes it to themselves to go to a few pinhead events. The comradery, the knowledge, tips and tricks are so worth it. Back in the day, everybody hid their secrets, now all you have to do is be willing to learn. It's a great way to make a living, as long as money isn't important to ya Heres a little of my work, you can see some more including my airbrush and concept art at my cheesy little tripod free site: P.S. You gotta check out the latest Street Rodder, just got it in the mail today, features a cover shot of my buddy Jeff Styles pinstriping flames on a hot blondes legs as she sets on the fender of a flamed model A roadster. One of the coolest covers ever. Haven't read the articles on striping included inside yet.
I met caffine at the 05 Detroit Autorama. Darin is fast BECAUSE he thins with lacquer thinner. If you thin with that stuff, you HAVE to be fast. Lacquer has no mercy for slow stripers. Vance
I have a sword and some paint and have laid some crappy lines, when i first bought my brush my friend tried it and was way better the first time he tried and now hes starting to get real good, and i still cant match his first set of lines, i guess some have talent and some have to work harder for it, not saying its easy for anyone, but im going to practise more and my goal is to stripe my own stuff and be atleast a little proud of it! When you try it your self you feel even more respect for all the nice work out there!
There is definately a lot of talent here on the HAMB! I've been striping for about 3 years now, still not where I want to be. Overall though I have been using 1-shot for graphics and stuff for about 5 or 6 years. Here is some of my stuff. I also take after McPhail, Litwalk, and Skratch by doing graphic stuff with 1-shot too.
I taught myself when I was 12 year old.I didn't really get good for about 10 years ,but I ate ,drank and slept pinstriping in those 10 years.In the next 19 years I met alot of great pinstripers in my travels.I noticed that I do alot of things different than most pinstripers.My work is extremely fast ,I thin with pure lacquer ,I DO NOT DRAW ANYTHING OUT....It is all free hand.I just put a center line.I get my paint from a can and thin it out of a old center cap on to a magazine to load my brush.That is the only way I knew, because in Ashland, KY, there is no one to look up to. Now there are quite a few stripers around this area, now that they know they can make money at it. This is my only job, the only way of making money. It has done me well.
\ It is so unreal what talent that is out there.It took me forever to get my lines and designs.These guys are getting it in just a few year...awesome
I'm not a pinstriper, but I did stay at a holiday inn at Hunnert...... I don't pretend to be in a leauge I'm not, I just do it because I enjoy it.
Been at it for exactly two years now. I plan on attending that one show in Detroit for the first time this year.
Darin mentioned where he lives. I'm one of the lucky ones. I live in the greater Dayton, OH area and there are about four stripers in the immediate area that love to teach new guys. Needless to say, I got a hardcore crash course. Down in the Cincinnati area, there are several guys who are REALLY good, (and nationally known, read this as legende) who like to take newbies under their wing. Lainhart and Dauber come to mind straight away. Dauber is a lettering genious and really likes to help out those who are serious about the art. I was able to spend a lot of time with a lot of really good guys to learn a lot in a short time. I think I was only striping for a little over a year before I started working the outdoor shows like Darin does. I get homesick real easy though, so I rarely traveled the distances like him. Go out of your way to attend a pinhead event. I know everyone says this, but until you go to one and see what's there, you'll never really get it. You have to see it first hand. I'm also going to suggest that if you can make it to the 07 Detroit Autorama, you should. They've been holding a pinhead thing there for the last couple years that is just unbelievable. In 05, I went and they had WELL over 80 stripers throughout the weekend. And it's an unwritten rule that stripers are to leave their egos back at the hotel. No matter the experience, everyone is just a striper and that was truely amazing. Ask how to do something and there'll be guys you've never met helping you out. It's crazy cool. GO! You guys who claim to have no talent; you might just be selling yourself short. Time spent practicing the basics can coax out talent pretty quickly. Ok, I'm done. The question was who's a striper... we now return you to the regularly scheduled thread. Vance
Man I got all excited when I read this post about stripers so what do I see no naked women just a bunch of squglie lines lol.My eyes are shot my hands are cracked and everything smells like one shot......