Y'all What size and how many screws should I use to screw my wrinkle wall slicks to the rims? The rims are 15"X8".
Usually 10 screws each side if I recall. There's a kit available through Jegs or Summit. The last time I did it I used a 6" metal scale (ruler) and marked both ends to start and followed around until it hit the 1st mark. Mark it in the center of the flat or screwed surface. It comes out perfectly spaced that way. Good luck. What are you racing?
Judd - Hows that old Comet working out? I'm the guy that posted the link to it thinking many would enjoy looking at it, not imagining someone would buy it in like 24hrs. Still looks like a real beast. Please post some pics/vids of it in action, I still love that car. Thanks
The screws are a 3/8 head and just under a 1/4...I think, maybe a little smaller. Just about 1/2" long. Your hipo tire supplier should have em in stock. They need to be hardened. One of our low dollar race pals used cheapos once and sheared the threaded points right off the screws. Nice car man. I've always liked em.