Is this beyond belief? Geez, at least get the parts' names spelled right! Haliebrand, Milladon??? Sorry if it's been posted before, but this is NUCKIN FUTZ!!
"Posting for a friend, he knows more...." NO ONE can spell correctly these days, including the friend of the man that spends over six fgiures to build a car...and then wants six figures for an (actually ugly) roadster... What's the world coming to...??? R-
I had a ball breaking this guy's balls about his overpriced ruined 32. I'm talking 5 or 6 emails! Go ahead he's a glutton for punishment.
I've seen it up close and it's even uglier in person. $300,000.00 and reserve not met?!?!?!?!? Yeesh.
surely its worth that amount. After all, as the ad sez "This "32" Roadster has been fully restored" Most original restoration I've ever seen! Especially those very original restored dokota digital guages from the ford factory in 1932
you gotta pay to play..... i hate it when people throw that out.... just when you thought things couldn't get any more......anyway...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't believe how poor sellers spell these days. Its really not that hard to run it through spell check before you list a car your asking $300k for. And mispelling the names of the parts makes a seller seem so unprofessional. Now I just need the seller to step in tell me that there are no mispellings and that those mfg'rs actually exist. Hah - wouldn't I feel like an ass. Pretty f*&^ing strict on the payment too. Cash only 3 days after auction ends. Garbage sack full of $5's and $10's work for you sir?