Looking for an engine compartment wiring diagram for a 64 SDV. Any suggestions? Motor Manual doesn't have it. Thanks!
I have 67, the connections at the firewall connector are probably different, but the rest should be close as far as colors and alternator wiring and such. pm me I'll email it to you,
You mean, like these? http://www.tocmp.com/tOCMP/wiring/5765wiring diagrams/cadillacindex.htm You're welcome everybody. ~Jason
you can also go here http://groups.msn.com/196364CadillacCommunity/files.msnw?fc_p=%2FFiles%20%26amp%3B%20Diagrams&fc_a=0&pps=k plus the group is a great resource, some very knowledgable guys on there about the 63 and 64 caddies b
Ah, good one! Don't know why I didn't think of them first (probably because I was on TOCMP just today and still had it on the brain). ~Jason
go to the public library. the one by me the manuals go back to the 30's. and they can get in their database and have the manual you need sent their if it's not on their shelf. your tax dollars are paying for it so use it!
I'll have to check the one by me. Last I looked, they had only a few Chilton books, but they were real generic and for weird vehicles nobody cares about. Then again, that was a branch library, not the main one. Maybe I'll get lucky there! ~Jason
On the 63/64 site look for member Jason Edge. He has tons of tech posts and has parts cars to no end. If it is 63/64 Cadillac he knows it or has the resourses to find out. He has a great post about modding a stock intake for an Edelbrock carb too if youre interested.