I was looking at a large cabover truck today that has an FE (352 390) Ford motor. Could be a 391 or other industrial motor. Maybe 427.. Not sure. It has straight center dump exhaust manifolds on both sides. If they are on an industrial motor, will they fit on a car motor, and are they so hard to find that its worth hours of cutting to get them out of this wadded up truck? I have never seen any of these before. I can only see them, theres not enough room to get part #'s or anything like that. Anybody know?
neat, my guess is that they will probably fit on a car motor, but not in a car! usually it's a tight squeeze between the frame rails/steering on a car, but not on a big truck.
There were a couple exhaust bolt patterns used on FEs. I'm not sure of all the ins & outs as it's been way too long since I even owned one, but I seem to recall 390GT & 428CJ heads having both bolt patterns. Don't know which bolt pattern the industrial trucks would have. BTW, if that's a 391, it's got a steel crank in it that's worth having. Turn the snout down & it works in cars!
I think you'd be wasting your time getting them. I've seen several pairs of truck FE center dump manifolds, and they all differed from car heads in both the bolt pattern, and port alignment.
If that is the case, can the heads be used on a 390block, or are they totally different? I've never messed with the big truck FE stuff.
Been a while since I've seen "ramhorns" for an Fe but I don't think port alignment or bolt pattern will be an issue. Exhaust port location on an FE's is all the same except for the 427 SOHC. The 428 CJ used a dual bolt pattern as was mentioned. The 330HD, 361 and 391 FT engines are very similar to car engines. The main thing at issue here is are they narrow enough to fit your intended use? I will say a few hours with a grinder and they can be made to look alot prettier.
Hello, The center dump exhaust manifolds on the industrial truck will bolt up to a 390 head with the standard vertical bolt pattern. They will even bolt onto gt heads from 66-70 as they have both bolt patterns. Will not clear the crossmember in a stock ford car. Good Luck, Ron Dixon.
Well, this is looking better as we go along.. I will start going after them tomorrow. Any other good stuff, besides the steel crank, that I need to look out for?
Yes, the title you said you could get for the 59 El Camino I bought from you over a year ago that I have never recieved from you!! Also all the documents I sent back to you in May so you could get it that you have never returned either!!! Whats your story this time???
I told you last time you need a weight slip to get a title for a truck in Ca. I can get it if you send me a certified weight slip from arizona. Still waiting. My story hasnt changed at all. Keep this in private.
Ray has been a standup guy EVERY time I've dealt with him and it has been years we've dealing on parts/cars. And if memory serves right, you're the same ass clown who was whining over a 331 Cad you didn't get because you didn't get any pix in time...jeez you're a baby! Why has it taken a year for you to weigh it? That's ALL you have to do and Ray does the rest...you're getting off easy. Seems that YOU dropped the ball and have nobody to blame but yourself. Get a weigh slip and you get a title. oh yeah, one more thing... SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Back to the FE parts, There right, you can turn the snount down on the crank, and re balance it, making a 390 steel crank (exactly what Ford did for 427's beings Ford never made a 390/427 steel crank) I belive the only difference on 390 vs. 391 heads are the 391's have two extra bolt holes on the top of the center two ports...but you can either grind them off or just not use them. The only other thing iss it may have a tach driven dist...they are different than car, but with a little discecting/modifing can be made to work...getting you mechanical tach drive.
3 yrs dealing with desertratrodder... all deals (alot of them) have never been misrepresented or underhanded. you have been waiting 1 yr? id have had that shit on road already! haha shut your pie hole and stop shitting on the mans thread. FE center dump manifolds, wonder how much wider the FE is compared to a hemi? i know people like to use center dump manifolds when running a hemi... sounds like they would be perfect for a hot rod with an F1 box...
The block is a good block for an overbore as well. A sonic test is in order, but it should go to a 4.13 bore easily. The distributor hole is larger and requires a bushing if memory serves. As far as I know, there are only the two different bolt patterns, although there are 14 bolt and 16 bolt patterns, the only difference is 2 bolts, all others are in the same place. The only thing might be what head you use them on, low riser, medium riser and high riser, the ports might not match up right.