Here is the heap I have been working on since about October or so. The roof and th etops of the 1/4s were pretty decent, but the rest sucks. Rebuilt the door jams adn hinges to get the doors to fit in the hole. Mocked up the 1/4s, fenders and hood. Some of the sheetmetal came with the car, some of it my favorite junk yard. Here's the subframe Next was mocking up the motor and tranny Then, I could finish the floorboards and tranny tunnel Don't forget teh trunk and fuel tank Here is how she sits today. Still needs a 2 inch block in the back, but this is pretty close.. Of course, there is always this... Starting on the seats and steering coloum next. Still lots to do, but she should be at the '08 HAMB drags chopped and in shiny black. See ya, -Abone.
Wow...that's inspirational. Looks killer...from now on I'll think twice about shying away from a car that seems like too much work. Bryan
Your Merc looks kool just the way it looks now. Just get some Mexi-blankets to throw over the seats and drive it the way it is to make the '07 HAMB drags!!!!!!!!!!! KNUX!
Am I a total dork for loving unchopped '49-51 Mercs? Hell, I think the blown / no-hood look is pretty bitchin too.
Totally cool! I'm lovin' the huge blower and no hood look. Reminds me of an old Steve Stanford drawing of a 50 fastback hood, a blower and a Tommy Ivo scoop....what more do you need?
I love 99.9% of all Mercs. Looking at your Merc; not chopped, no hood, blown with whitewalls is soo Kool. I had to save the picture for my library. Great job on the progress and keep us posted with the pics. Happy Trails, Mick
Car looks awesome-I agree,blowers makes it all come together-leave the body how she lies,big pipes,a blanket and please tell me a 4 gear!!!
now that I have had time to think about you have any laws in your state requiring you to have your gas tank vented to the outside of the car?? just curious.. tok
looks great! I love looking at starting pictures of cars that people would give up on and seeing so much great progress...good work.
Bad ass... I love the look of the car un chopped, and I agree with everyone else, the no hood/blower combo is bitchin too... Good work..
All I can say is it looks good,and,DAMN,you work fast ! How could you get this much done,and still have your daily dose of fuckoff time on the HAMB?? If I had bought this in October of THIS year,I'd still be sitting in a chair beside it,looking at it,thinking about a plan....Maybe that explains why my shit doesn't ever seem to get finished..........
your a sick bastard putting your blower on it for 'shits and grins'... you will be driving by Jan....