my buddy's son is building `34 5 window...i helped to fire up his engine today ..the first time it has run since it was pulled MANY years ago,i gave him the motor since he was stuck on having a 327. he rebuilt it all himself,and has done all the work so far on the project because he wants to learn how. it's his first project and i thnk he has done good. the body was very ruff,but it's now about ready for the hot rod black paint ......he is a lurcker on the hamb,but is a fraid to sign up because of the intro police!!
[ QUOTE ] but is a fraid to sign up because of the intro police!! [/ QUOTE ] It's part of the trad ritual, I think. Kinda like when you are an apprentice, the new boy in the big workshop, and you get treated like shit, get all the dirty boring jobs. Makes you either join in, grow up, be one of the boys, or quit!
Belive me, he intros with that pic and alittle about himself he will have no problem here. That is one fine looking chassis. The kid is well on his way to having a one cool hotrod.
Tell him he's doing a great job and he belongs on here ! Tell him if we DIDN'T like him we wouldn't be harrassing him. Good job!
Congratulations, and the chassie looks sweet.. Love them project pictures.. Love to see a few more too!!
that is one BAD ASS looking car dude. join in on the fun, man. its great being here, and you can learn some great stuff. i was a lil afraid of signing up but if you have to pull a hendrix! i didnt, but it would be really cool if you signed up here.