TWEKD1, I enjoyed the photos, and did not become nauseous over the wheels. In fact if you're running a modern powertrain, they kinda fit the bill. Whether they are pure-perfect-oldskool-whatever is another issue. I find it hard to believe someone's actually pm'ing you and telling you to get off this forum because of wheel selection. It just can't be this serious, can it ? What does one do if the brakes are large enough to make using 15 or 16 inch wheels impossible to mount - now this is just hypothetical - I mean it's not that easy to find suitable steel wheels once the rim diameter has to be increased. I like steel wheels almost more than anything else - don't get me wrong here. Of course it could be argued that big brakes are not traditional. I may be forced to use wheels that are not traditional in my project due to entirely technical issues. Those issues may not be justified worth it to change stuff just to get "appropriate" wheels to fit. With all the respect to all parties, Muki
It really has nothing to do with being close minded. This just isn't the place for that style. This board caters to a very specific niche in the automtive scene, and unfortunatley we come on this borad so we don't have to look through the millions of cars with modern drive-trains and big wheels in order to find what suits us. While the frame swaps, etc. seem to be accepted here, the big billet wheels are the antithesis of what we're are trying to acomplish. Don't take it personal, if you're building the car you like, then drive it, be proud of it, just find the appropriate forums if your expecting a warm welcome. Right now your like an Electro-Techno-Glowstick-in-hand-Raver walking into a Punk Rock club. Apples and Oranges.
here is my other car it does glow (house of kolor kozmic glow)
You might want to be safe and keep it pre-'65 on this site. Old motorcycles are kool but the moderators have a site for that too Just giving ya a heads up before they really chew into ya here. KNUX!
ill let ya talk shit on that car or my truck in my world that is pritty triditional hot rod
i think he is just causing trouble...a if u say you lurk and love this site...i think you would have noticed how often other guys who have billet wheels and modern drive trains get chewed dont worry about use it for the tech and if u post again expect a chewing cause its going to happen accept it and move on... just my two cents Talky
pre 60's here is a car i built when i was 16
"awww that's a cute dune buggy" "does it run?" "those who choose to not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them"
I gave ya fair warning as did the others, yer on yer own. Ya might want to read the rules on here when ya 1st joined to clear yer mind. KNUX!
im just busting ur b*lls with some past builds if someone can photoshop my chrysler with some steel wheels i would like to see it!! i got the 20's cheep thats why there there
if you haven't been able to find it , here ya go......The HAMB is dedicated to spreading the gospel of traditional hot rods and kustoms to hoodlums world wide. Thats right TRADITIONAL. And we arent talking Beach Boys and poodle skirts here fellas. If you are into a-side 50s pop, lawn chairs, ruler contests, and all things that make hot rodding warm and cozy then you might want to find another message board. If you arent sure what we mean by traditional, then you might think twice as well. If youve come here to set a rep, talk some shit, and make some fun then you had better turn around right now. We aren't patient. Even if you have come here for all the right reasons, dont expect posting to be easy. We dont cater to new fellas unless they show a dedication to spreading this tradition of ours first. We welcome young, old, foreign and all but our original members and our staff expect a certain level of respect and an effort to keep things true and on topic. Maybe you are an old fart with a past. Maybe you are one of the guys that started this tradition we cherrish. We built this place for you and your posts mean the world to us. Hop on and introduce yourself. This is your board. Still reading? Then you must be cut out for this, right? We recommend you read some more. Check out all the forums, develop an understanding for how things work around here, learn the dos and do nots The key to a happy HAMB newbie is to understand the joint BEFORE you begin posting. You want to be happy dont ya newbie? We have very few written rules here on the HAMB and thats the way we like it, but we wont hesitate to dump disruptive posters, ego freaks, or shit talkers. We are all here to learn and teach - please keep your other perogatives on the sidelines. Rules: 1. No profanity in subject lines 2. No political/religious/racial posts 3. No Porn. 4. All personal information listed on this board is private and protected. The HAMB does not sell this information and you are not privy to use it for your own reasons. Test us on this one and we will bite. 5. New Users must fill out thier profiles. Every bit that you can. Simply click on "User Cp" above and get to work. 6. New users must introduce themselves in the intro forum. Guidelines: 1. If in doubt, dont post it 2. Stay on-topic and relevant with your posts OT posts arent generally appreciated by our membership. 3. Gotta easy question? Try using the search function first. 4. Your life here would probably be easier if you complete your profile and introduce yourself before jumping into the deep end... __________________ Ryan Cochran "Skating the same line since 1976..." .................................................. .... A T O M I C I N D U S T R Y The Jalopy Journal - The Jockey Journal - The Garage Journal
The car sucks, the bike sucks, the Mustang sucks, the VW sucks and the Hummer really sucks. Take it somewhere else.......nobody here wants to see your billet infested crap wagon.
Muttley, wait! The '54 Chrysler is kool. Help him out in photoshop if ya can ( I can't) and get some steelies on it and slam that and show him the right way not to ruin a kool ride. Did I say please? Much love to ya. KNUX!
here is a build ya might like this was from like 2 years ago and i dont know what i was thinking when i built it yes that is a beer tap and a jucuzzi. it was the ultimate bar hopping veh
I think you better get out while ya can. There are more then Muttley that are on here that are going to rip ya a new shitter. I gave ya fair warning, you should have read what I pasted for ya on here. Don't let NADS see this thread!!!!!!!!!!! KNUX!
Dang Muttley, tell it like it is. Sucks that so much work is going into muddying up something that is really pretty cool and unusual. Just slam it, put cool paint on it, and do some wide whites. Done. Drop the ghetto shit... it's so damned ugly.
that is the first time someone paintshoped the car ,,, i do like the look of the white walls, ill finish painting it and see how it looks and decide from there if im keepn the 20"s i must be the white est geto percon around
Must be. Save the money on the hyperglowpearlmicaflipflopchromalusion BS paint and buy that poor car some decent wheels and tires, chrome the bumpers, paint it a nice tasteful metallic color, and put the neat '50s Plymouth side trim back on it. And cut a couple of coils for chrissakes! Sheesh. At least, that's what I would do.