Miss PBR, in a thong, spraying sweaty participants down with a hose... yes, I believe that would work.
[ QUOTE ] can I get a golf cart this year? I will bring the pussy Germ [/ QUOTE ] Only if it has a gun rack. No pets allowed, sorry.
How about the races on the track run during the show instead of at night so more "fans" could see them. Also a parts swap meet would be cool. More beer vendors or the free beer sounds good!
How about a special area for HAMB guys and gals and then have the Motor Meltdown there? $5 a ticket, winner gets half the pot? The HAMB gets the other half? Sam.
[ QUOTE ] How about a special area for HAMB guys and gals and then have the Motor Meltdown there? $5 a ticket, winner gets half the pot? The HAMB gets the other half? Sam. [/ QUOTE ] excellant idea sam.
i can't suggest any changes for your show. bitchin. i can, however, tell you what i'll do differently and advise others to do. get there early and plan on the entire weekend. we drove down friday night 4 hours away. got to downtown as the cats were crawlin home. woke up, hit the show all day long. hung out until awards and split, 4 hours away. had to work in the morn. would have loved to hang for the races and been able to hang the nite b'fore. get her planned kirk, i'm anxiously waiting. we'll bring the new surprise if done, if not will bring the truck. oh, online reg was flawless lastyear. oh oh, stay true. if it's got billet, stay home. i had some doner/loner billet on the engine that i ditched just in the nick last year. i wasn't about to have billet on my ride. i was spectin serious hazing for the clowns that had it. none here. lates, rural
[ QUOTE ] DOUGHNUT COMPETITION!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] Donut eating competition would be good.Challenge some of the local PD. Cars doing Donuts sounds a little too much like "Drifting".
First off I wanna say the show kicked ass, so with that said here's my suggestion.... FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD more more more FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD God, me and the old man had to walk out the gate about a mile total in that heat to go eat at a corner deli cause the damn food vendors closed up. The people workin the deli were full on Twilight Zone family to top it off! This years show needs lots more...ALL DAY food and beverage vendors.
oh another idea...... those plastic "Buddy L" rocket cars you had in your garage, man it would be fun to race those for some cash. have dudes bring in toy hotrods and race them powered by estes rockets or something....i dunno, maybe that would be better left for home entertainment when drinking.....
Yeh..... I remember. I was joking (half joking). It was the highlight of the show I thought. It is too bad that was the last of Livermore, I liked the Rodeo Park. It was nice and dusty, had a good feel to it. "Hot Rod" shows need something besides parking and looking at all the pretty cars (even if thats why they call it a SHOW). More activities. I like the swap meet idea.
it would be cool to organize some sort of cruise. not in the show, but maybe the night before, or after the show, or something. maybe a premeditated destination.......some parking lot to overrun??!!!?? inject some of that 'punk rock' feel. i don't know how to make it work, BUT it would be cool if it could be pulled off somehow. i just love seeing the cars in action!! probably why paso is my favorite event, all the cruising and action going on. cars in motion...........just a thought.
cruise would be cool for sure.....there are alot of hotrods at Billetproof that I would like to have heard loping around town like at Paso......man it's awesome to see old tin on the road
Yeah a cruise would be kick ass. Also any after show activities would be a good idea. i.e (drags,shows,drinking somewhere)
Just got back from Famoso. Freakin' hot and tons of racing. Over 500 race cars alone. Anyway.... Last year we couldn't "Officially" cruise because we were invading the town for the first time. I really want to have a cruise this year down where we hung out Friday night last year. I will be working on getting a permit to close the road so we can see the heaps moving. No guarantees on that yet though. Also looking into more bands in the hall across from the bar too. It would be GREAT to have a club do the Friday night band gig. Thay can set it up and charge a small admission to pay the bands. That would be a HUGE help and let more people get more involved.
<font color="purple"> I think the pic idea is alright, but most cars last year were right on so I don't think it matters much that you "out" the billet rides. I like the small swap idea, we can squeeze it in somewhere no problem. Hot? It was cooler there than here, didn't bother me much. Keep the model car contest, I might acually finish a kit and not bring 10+ year old stuff. Keep the bikes year cutoff the same, there should be more bikes there with word of mouth, tell a friend! Get the OK to have an additional food/beverage vendor there, I'm sure you can get a roach coach to show up no problem. I was going to agree on a HAMB area, but there so many of us. HAMB/BP'04 stickers would work, we'll be everywhere. A Sam's motor meltdown again would be great, it was so much fun the first time. A small area set off for that would need to be safely picked, try not to be near any fire hazard ya know. We want to come back. </font>