well I didn't sell the Dodge, I asked twice what I thought it was worth hoping nobody would bite went in unloaded, took the truck out to park, jumped on my bike and followed a trailer load of stuff in, as soon as he came to a stop I pulled up to the drivers window and asked how much? he said $250.00, I said I'll buy that!
grabbed a few more odds and ends here and there, F1 collumn, a pair of little Cal Custom scoops, and a red metalflake wheel and adapter for $5.00! met Racefab, and a few other noodnicks, all in all a pretty good day. Paul
Hey, I'll give you your money back on the bucket body.. just tell me where to send the money. What make/year is it? Sounds like you had a good day... the swap meets around here are nothing but junk and camaro parts! Brian
[ QUOTE ] Hey, I'll give you your money back on the bucket body.. just tell me where to send the money. What make/year is it? Sounds like you had a good day... the swap meets around here are nothing but junk and camaro parts! Brian [/ QUOTE ] Hell i'll give him double what he paied...!!
[ QUOTE ] What make/year is it? [/ QUOTE ] The guy wasn't sure but it looks like the front half of a '26 or '27 T to me. yes, it was the deal of the day. Paul
Yep, it's the front half of a 26-27 T touring. if you put the back section of a touring on it, you get more leg room and in them, you need all the room you can get.that's what i have on the front half of the 26 on my modified. have fun with it, you did real good.
When I was cruzin around the swap meet I heard about some lucky stiff buying a bucket for 250.00, I'm glad it was a Hamber. What did I find? Two cups of coffee and a brand new chimney brush for $5.00, not my proudest day but I was at a swapmeet and the sun was shining and saw alot of good people.
Yea, the good ship "bargon swapper" always leaves me at the pier. The guy would have quoted me a price of $5K for the "T"! If I hear another swapmeet hawker telling me; "it would have sold for X$ on ebay" statement I think I'm going to go postal. However, it is good to see that some guys still have all the luck so that I don't have to.
Congrats on the T-body, 60's style. Tomorrow is our first outside major swapmeet of the year and my van and pickup box-trailer are loaded and sitting in the drive...gotta get up in 4.5 hrs...g'nite!
BTW, don't forget to re-torque those "jellybeans" after about a mile.. I forgot to do that one day after the tireshop had mine off my 72 nova. I got stopped on the interstate just before the wheel fell off....always re-torque those babys....
it was nice to finally meet ya paul, some good scores, i picked up my door panels and left, didnt have a whole lot of time to shop. Fred
Lucky day for me as well. I walked up to a booth at about 9:00 AM , there sits a '32 grill shell and insert(chopped) and an original complete insert. I ask the guy how much and he sayes $200 for both. I couldn't get the money out fast enough. On the way out another guy offers me $250 for the chopped one. I'll hang it on the wall. Yeha! God, I love swap meets.