Looking to maybe put up a decent garage, maybe 3 car, unsure of what type, (metalm stick, etc). Got a pretty small budget but want something decent. Let's see some and some $$$$ figures
Mine is 30 x 30 central air / heat ..insulated /lights ..everything , everything done turn the key $28,000 in spring 06 .. never touched a hammer, brush
Here's a link from an earlier post that might give you some info... (http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=149299)
$30k for everything. Contractor did the core build including roofing & ext. siding. I completed. Built 2001 (during 9/11 that's why I remember) Teardown of old 20 x 20 and pull up old concrete New slab 28 x 29 (city limits on sq. footage) 9' walls, 100A electrical, 25-quad outlets 110v, 4 220V outlets Blown in insulation, fully drywalled, epoxy floor. Looking at the prices of lumber and drywall today...I'm aghast. Chad
Don't even start until you get a bid from the electrician, and mechanical contractors. If you want a toilet out there, then add plumbing contractor. Hint: It will blow any thoughts of doing it with a small budget.
Concrete will cost the most, at least it did for me depending on your building codes a stick built garage may need a full foundation under it.... 24x24 pole barn garage, 5k complete kit everything included and delivered 24x24 slab with a 8"x24" rat wall 2.5k labor free, unless you count the 20 lbs I loss two summers ago!
This is mine that was built in 1997. As you can see it's a 2 story 24 X30 (wish I would have went 2 feet deeper) The ground slopes off so the block is 9 courses and the far end and 3 at the upper end. Except for the roof rafters everything is on 16" centers. The contractor did everything, pouring the cement floor, putting on the vinyl siding, the shingles on the roof, hanging all the doors, everything except for the gravel in the driveway and handed me the keys ready to use fo 27K.
its what i do for a living, basic timber framed metal building with 10' side walls, is about $4.75 per square foot. So assuming you build a 20x40 thats 800sq', thats roughly $4000. dont get me wrong that is absolutely bare bones. Then it goes up from there. We just built a really nice 30x80 with an apartment in it for 32k but it was ready to go, block, concrete, board and batten. If you decide you want to do it i will happily lend a hand any way i can, i aint so far away, and i have lots of plans from barns we've built. good luck, and build bigger than you think you will need you will definately fill it up. i have about 24000 feet of barn and it is all filled up. GO BIG
24X24 insulated with drywall and ele. Bout $8000.00 Did it last month, mostly by myself. Got a few freebees here and there. Has vinyl siding with 16 ft. door. Biggest expense was cement.
Alot depends one where you live. Here in NE Illinois I just finished putting up a 24 x 36 stick built tht is fully insulated and drywalled with three overhead doors for about $16,000 including the slab plus another grand to the county for a variance and permit.
We had a 30x40 put up this fall, with upstairs for hay storage, gambrell roof style. Cost 5k for 6" slab, contractor built shell for 35k. Leaves me to insulate and drywall, with electrical, prolly cost close to 50k. If ya say it quick it don't hurt so much. I got friends that have almost as much in a pickup though, makes it easier to swallow
32 x 32 drywall, insulation, furnace. Farmed out only the concrete - 11k ~1996 - it would have been right around 25k to have farmed it all out.
Flatford-- that's about my budget. I'd like closer to 30x40, and of course I could do the finish work later (drywall, etc) to save a few bucks. Was that stick built? Rowdy, got any pics? TImber frame as in red iron? So many different steel buildings. Is that $4.75 kit price or assembled? Chopped--what kinda construction?
My Dad has a three car shop that can easily hold 5 if it had too. I never asked but I think it was around $30,000.
Wow, I wish I could convince my wife to leave Orange County,CA. I bought a house specifically with a large RV parking to facilitate a bigger shop someday. The bids were all over 50 thou to add onto the existing garage and last but not least the city wouldn't allow the project for some association like rules although I don't live in one. Congrats on your huge shops!
The grass is always greener. I wish I could live in SoCal. My fiance is from LA. She thought she was over it, so she moved to GA. I didn't understand either. Now, she really misses LA. Unless she happens to catch one of the stupid dating shows on MTV, and she quickly comments; "Now I remember why I left!" Apparently the place itself is really cool, but all of the stupid trendy kids, most of whom are not even from CA have ruined it. That's my understanding anyway.
It is stick built. I found a bunch of side jobbers to pour the pad and another side jobber to build the frame with completed roof & doors. I finished the siding, gutters, insulation, drywall, electric & gas. I also ended up working with the carpenter because he was having a hard time getting help. The problem with side jobbers is that it takes for ever and they can be somewhat unreliable that's why I ended up working with them and pushing the shit out of them to get it done. Make sure that you have written contracts with them and do not pay anymore than 30% down with balance on completion. The only thing that is scary about using them is that they aren't insured and any accidents that happen could cause you some real headaches. You may want to investigate having them sign off on a hold harmless agreement of some sort if they aren't insured. Good Luck!!!
My dad and I built mine last year with the help of a few friends... totally finished, inside and out, insulated, drywall, concrete, block footer, siding, steel door, 2 overhead doors with openers, window, pull down stairs for the attic, heater, AC, 110 and 220 circuts, florecent lighting, etc. Even with the fancy tile floor I have about 17k in it...thats paying 5k for the concrete and cinder block footer, and everything from that point on being done ourselves... I bought just about everything from Home Depot as a package, and they were real good with figuring out exactly what i needed... I actually had a few boards left over and they took them back for cash. Its only 24x24 because i was space limited, but i don't think it woulda cost much more to go a bit bigger if i had the room. For reference, the cheapest contractor quote I got was 22k, and that was for an unfinished building with no wiring, no drywall, no heat. I'm real proud of it, turned out to be nicer than my house, and before you guys rag me for it being too clean, i have another 2 car shop under the house that i can use for "dirty" work...
approximations, but Have a sawmill and free logs, had to also buy a load-900 Blocks 3000 I beam, rebar 2000 homemade concrete materials (footers, reinf. block) 300 readymix floor 1500 roofing 1000 wire, conduit, 200 amp service parts, lights about 2000 auction upstairs door and windows, glass blocks 80 14' doors 1 with opener 2500 Glue & plywood for trusses 100 Fasteners, blades, stain & paint 500 between 15-20 grand for 30x38 times 2 plus 10x40 attic and it takes 2 seasons love it. http://www.directimagehost.com/is.php?i=120630&img=DSC03125.JPG http://www.directimagehost.com/is.php?i=125864&img=P9130005.JPG http://www.directimagehost.com/is.php?i=120627&img=DSC03117.JPG
I got a 24x30 metal bldg, two door and a walk door. Bldg was $5500. concrete $1000. the rest about $2000, so I say about $10k
A lot of folks find out too late that they could've used an extra foot or two worth of room. Why not get out a sheet of graph paper, and make the rule that each square is one square foot, and map it out. Then, measure your cars, furniture, counter space, toolboxes, and make cutouts from another sheet of graph paper using the same "1 square = 1 sq foot" rule that represent them (don't be afraid to use circles as well as rectangles and squares) - then you lay 'em on your virtual garage and arrange 'em appropriately. This allows you to lay it out while you're building it in your mind, and you can actually see how much space you'll actually have. Man, when you figure in the space your crane, engine stands, toolboxes, etc take up you'll be shocked! Save room for some Maxi-Racks! http://www.edsal.com/Catalog/rivet/MaxiRack.htm ~Jason
32x48 with 8x48 porch 12 high ceiling. 200 amp service. pole barn, I did insulation and dry wall,hired everything else. $35,000
40'x80' w/16'x80' second story w/14' sidewalls, 2"x6" construction, office, fully insulated, 2 overhead doors and 1 walk-in, natural gas heat, 2 ,200 amp service electrical, in floor hoist and 5" reinforced concrete floor, vinyl sided. About ( didn't keep exact cost) $50-$60,000 in 1994. I wanted a 50' X 100' (for the reason already stated , you never have enough) but got turned down by the township and had to get a variance for the 40'x80'. Now, a friend of mine has 50'x120'x16', that's a nice shed , makes mine look like a K-Mart tin lawn barn. Frank
30X40 with 12ft high door incase I sell to an old fart with an RV. Plumbing stubbed up, insulated, power ran to the breaker box. Turn key $21k. I will have another $3k in it by the time I finish out the wiring and sheetrock, and the driveway. I could have done a "kit" for a little more than half that but I would still be trying to finish in instead of working on the projects in there. When you do this do not forget to increas yoru homeowners insurance.