I just had a local fella call and ask if I could do some work on his international truck. It doesn't sound like he's a hot rodder, just a guy with an old truck that needs fixing. I'm looking for a source for repop cab corners, body mounts, floorboards, door skins... etc. Thanks... JOE
Check out http://www.oldihc.org & http://www.binderbulletin.org there are a few vendors on those sites
I could be wrong but I don't think anybody is repoping IH body parts. You might try oldihc.org maybe someone could hook you up with some good used pieces. Good Luck! Pool.
Joe, there is very little repop sheetmetal available for ANY IH other than the Scout/Scout II. Even the '68-'75 full-size trucks don't have anything available. However... Here's a couple of place who may have used or NOS stuff in stock. I've dealt with both, good people. They can usually help you find something if they don't have it in stock. http://www.scoutconnection.com/ http://members.aol.com/suprscout/ SSS old site http://www.superscoutspecialists.com/store/ SSS new site http://www.ihcparts.com/ No exp. with these guys, said to be good. http://www.oldautoparts.com/ And finally there's Memory Lane, had good luck with them on other brands.