Just aquired a 60 hp flathead that is locked up. Thinking about building a small rail and running this 60 in it. Are parts still available for these as nothing off of the 85 will interchange. If they are available, where is the best place to deal with?
Well, it's a ZERO horsepower flattie till ya free it up! But, yeah...parts are still available. Grab a Speedway catalog and you'll find all sorts of goodies...from rebuild parts to speed equipment...intakes, cams, heads, etc, etc! Nuttin' to it but ta DO it!!!
Speedway has some new stuff - heads, intakes. Right now on epay, there's a guy selling a bunch on V8-60 stuff - it's all old midget racer hardware. Just search "V8-60"
With a V8 60 you will probably need pedal car assist to launch your rail unless it weighs less than 1K and you let a 8 year old drive it.
Yea, I know it will not leave hard unless I put real skinny tires on the back. What else do you do with a 60hp flattie? I have no money in it as of now and need another project like another hole in the head, but what the hell? I figure it will be fun playing around with it if nothing else.
[ QUOTE ] With a V8 60 you will probably need pedal car assist to launch your rail unless it weighs less than 1K and you let a 8 year old drive it. [/ QUOTE ] Leavin hard looks cool, but its what ya got on the big end that counts. Look up Flathead Jack. Don't know if he markets anything for the 60 but it's a good starting place.