Hello, my name is Ron Miller and I am race co-ordinator for the Standard 1320, an internet group dedicated to preserving the history of drag racing in the years of 1955 to 1972.We have held 3 races and have another scheduled for Sat, April 14,2007 at Speedworld ,west of Phoenix,Az.I would like to invite some of the area Hamb members. Please contact me at RLMiller@cableone.net H 928-289-4537 C 928-853-2439
Sounds interesting, Ron. Thanks in advance for your efforts and good luck with the races. Do you have a Standard 1320 website/DVD? Welcome to the H.A.M.B. Lance
Welcome, Ron. I ran an A/D at Minnesota Dragways in the early 60's and I've exchanged Emails with "Big Yohns" and "Pitman Pete" Starret over the years. I miss "Header Flames"...