Does anyone have any T-Bucket Chassis plans? Or does anyone know where I can find some on the internet?
yeah it would be nice if i could have some of those too im building one and i dont NEED them but it would be nice. i dont kno where any are tho. try searching google or something
I've got some plans 'n patterns for a CCR T Bucket chassis. Used them myself and turned out great. I love CCR btw- I'm on a super tight budget & they work with me. Of course, I live right up the street from them, so that might be a factor. Anywho, they're $20 from CCR and they mail them out pretty quick. Their # is (909) 393-4228 HTH -Jackie ..still working on that damn 6x2 setup...
By phone (909) 393-4228 or if ya wanna wait a few hours, when I get home I can email you their mailing address. They're in Chino, CA.
Total performance has plans also, as a matter of fact for $25 they give you the whole assy. manual!! I'm running a TP frame & they seem to be a little better then the CCR ones,but there both close.With CCR they also give you a set for a jag rear. the total palns are more professional, so if yuor building it in your garage you mioght be better off with the CCR, they also have cut out templates. Hey Jackie how did you get your frame to stick to the wall??lol JimV
I got a set of them as an e-mail attachment..send me your e-mail address and I'll forward you a
I have a set from California Custom Roadsters. The book I bought has the plans and data for the complete construction of a frame. It also has diagrams that you can copy and cut out to lay on the frame to trace out the cut lines. It also has cut out diagrams for all of the mounting brackets. It also show you how to make your own drop tube axle, radius rods, motor mounts, sterring gear mounts, rear end mounts conventional and jag. Good book for a simple frame build. If you will give me your address I will give them to you.
Hey Jackie how did you get your frame to stick to the wall??lol JimV [/ QUOTE ] Super glue and duct tape