If anyone is interested in going today I am leaving at noon from the Arboretum area (360/183). I have 2 extra seats and an empty van to fit lots of parts. PM me or try my cell (512) 940-8018
Thanks. I just called the guy they sound like they are very eager to wheel and deal...a complete 54 Buick hardtop $800....man oh man I cant wait
Hey Erik, just got my '55 from those guys. Big guy named Dan seems to kinda run the show. Somehow, Circle City Hot Rods came up in the conversation. A guy that worked for them went out to Ca. and works at Circle City now. Anyhow, knowing Jimmy White sure smoothed out the negotiations. It went from not looking like it was gonna happen, to getting the car and a parts car, 4 Fenton wheels, and 5 Superior steering wheels! And when we went back to pick it up, the practically gave Lux an aluminum moon style gas tank for his sedan. So, I guess it pays to know the hot rod heroes!!!
PMed you back and called the number, got "Jasons" voicemail. Last call for anyone, leaving in 14 mintues
how'd your run go? I was thinking about going out there saturday if it was worth it. I need headlight buckets, grill shell... etc. for a model A build up... is there still enough to go around? Are the prices reasonable? Lemme know....
I saw very little model a (remember seeing original wheels), but honestly wasnt looking for Model A parts. Took just a little over 2 hours from Austin to get there. I was supposed to get a 54 Buick front bumper, a 55 Pontiac rear bumper and a 54 Buick dash. Took too long to get the dash out, had to shine the bumpers due to the sun setting. Prices are good. 100 bucks for bumpers and $50 for my dash. Bring your tools for a cheaper price (hint, hint). . Good if you are looking for 50's parts but expect a lot of rust and lots of dents. SOrry for rambling, just got in about 15 minutes ago. Left at 7pm Would really like to get that rear 55 bumper, anyone going tomorrow PM me please.
From Austin, take 290 east to Fredericksburg. Once there, take 87 southbound for about 27 miles. You will go under I10, you will be in Comfort, TX. About 1 mile south of I10, take 27 east towards Kerrville. Drive roughly 3 miles on 27 and you will see Lane Valley Road, make a left. You will be driving down what seems like a long windy driveway. When you see the neon orange rim on the side of the road, turn right. Drive some more until you get to a dead end, make a left at the next neon orange cone. Drive straight and park near the car trailers. For more info call (254) 939-8548
Dayum...is there a secret hand shake, knock, or password? Wish I had the money to go make a buy! So what happenes to all the stuff they don't sell????
I think that is Dan Barkley...owner of Little Valley Auto Ranch in Belton.Tx. and puts on the swap meet at the convention center and at his wrecking yard.
Hey Joey, I think there is a panel truck there. I bought a steering column that was inside. There is nothing left but the body shell. There maybe a door for you. I really can't say if the doors were on it or not. I am really sorry I did not snap to attention and take note for you. They will be open again in a month. Andy
Howdy Andy, Thanks for the response, and yes, please let me know if you see any doors there. Guess I should have come down for a visit sooner. Let me know when the yard opens back up and I'll plan a trip down. Joey
Sorry to hear all this. Too bad that families don't pass on the tradition of a "famly owned business" to their decendents. Problem is, these are the kids that probably couldn't care less. I don't know what the answer is but, if this old iron is worth so much, how come American companies aren't buying this stuff? Oh yeah, I forgot, we can't make anything here anymore so why would we need old "priceless" scrap. Geez. Seems like a huge waste of a valuable resource/asset. Which leads me to the fact that our brilliant leaders in Washington need to let the big three go bankrupt. The reason being that there would be thousands of talented people at the big three who could form new/better and more efficent companies with good/solid cars. Kinda like back when, before the big three gobbled all the little car makers up. You know, like when there was real competition in the market amoungst several companies. Imagine if America produced 15 different types of vehicles instead of just three, take if or leave it, so-so inefficent cars that all look alike. Well, this is really going to get serious in '09 so save your money and let me know when you finally get ready to clean out your garage full of "old junk car stuff". Good luck everyone and have a better 2009 than you ever expected. God bless!!