Going to order new subrails and cross sills tomorrow and I know they aren't all good quality. I hope to find some that won't take to much modification to make them right. I am working on 29 ford tudor and I have it stripped down to the subrails and am ready to to buy my first new parts for it. Thanks for any info It might keep me from getting lousy parts in.
brookville for roadster sills not sure about sedans but id guess they all come from the same supplier
They are all made by the same company. I've ordered them from two different sources, and both sets were drop-shipped from the same place(which for the life of me I can't remember). Karl
I put new full length subrails and cross channels in my coupe. I bought mine from MAC's, but they were manufactured by Brookville Roadsterand shipped from there. An absolute PERFECT fit. I did have to cut and measure the cross channels as they are made way longer than they need to be. I had a friend lend me an old coupe subrail setup to measure from. It came in very handy. The subrails themselves will need no modification other than to drill body mounting and rivet holes.
I just got a set of rails and cross channels from Snyders (may have came from Brookeville, but the excitement of my wife buying me parts made me tear into the box like it was the best Christmas ever). Mine were for a 29 Phaeton. They are damn near perfect. The set I got was a little long on one side. Easily trimmed. I would recommend drilling the holes for the front extensions and body mounts and lining up to the frame before you start welding. Trying to measure and check squareness cause a LOT of anxiety. Much easier when using the frame as the "jig". I also had added assurance by clamping all the body panels to the subframe before welding, as a double check for things not fitting once welded. This may not be easy with a closed car. I can say that the outside edge may need a little more bend in spots to keep the panels from stressing outward. But this is another easy correction.