I've had an idea for a build and decided to get out in the garage,screw the cold.I want to build a single place streamliner for the street.Something not to hard on the billfold.the South Omaha Turds have a philosify of building a car for under 7 grand.I have a fresh 250 I6,I likes my inliners.And a pile of sheet metal I've been collecting.Mostly going to need hoods.50 chevy car front hood.50 chevy truck hood.A couple of David Bradley hoods,I have one.And a 41 46 chevy truck hood,still looking for that too.Anyway here is what I have planned. Thats the mock up and If I can see it now I can see it thru.
Hell yeah!! How 'bout a couple little carb scoops sticking out of the hood? Those Harley wheels ARE bitchin'. It's really cool to see a mock up of what you've had in your head and explained to me on napkin drawings a couple times. Keep us updated--- This thing's gonna be killer! Malcolm
goddamn...keep us posted on this one; like every bit of the way! this is gonna be awesome, i just know it....
I kept a pair of '48-'54 Chevy truck rear fenders "just in case", your idea is sort of what I had in mind, but much, much cooler. Keep us posted.
thats a great idea, now its time to step back and stare at it for a day or so planning is everything, by the way how many times did you make motor sounds while you were mocking it up........
Years ago I seen an old picture of a bucket racer made of two 42-48 fenders. This blows that right out of the water. Looks perfect and sure to leave people guessing (and copying it -ha ha)
I've got a couple of parts cars to bring in,its so cold I don't want to do anything outside.I've got two fleetlines that are way stripped or smashed allready,Just some few pieces I want before the scrap pile.I have to start squaring stuff up and adding steel to hold it for inner body structure.There are a lot of cut off wedge pieces on the floor from getting the lines right.I'm close.Man I think this is fun.Thanks everyone for the nice words.Ill post when I have more.I'm seriously in need of another David Bradley hood like the one up on the shelf in the background.
Thanks for the photoshop,I've considered the front fenders layed sideways and am planning on a little flair on the rear pannels also.Something about the David Bradley hoods that makes me want to use them.
That thing rocks. I've been planning to build something similar out of the roof of a 50's Cadillac more-door (hood sides, body & tail all one piece).
Talk about vision! Dang-nation dude, you got some skill's. Hey, Hot Rod magazine here's yer next feature!
I've got a little done.Had the flu and the boss is out of town,but what really slowed me down,my fourth grandchild was born last week.Talia Rose is as pretty as she can be.I feel blessed to have 4 grandchildren. I sarted welding the body together and have some of the support structure started.Still need to get up to Beresford and bring some parts home. I've been arguing with myself over the front suspension.If I build for looks I have a model A axel.If i build to my heart I have the stock suspension from the 50 chevy.So here I sit with the open wheel IFS aint traditional argument or a fford axel on my chevy.I don't buy the IFS aint traditional on an open wheel car BS.The Rodders Journal is my bible for what is or isn't traditional.In issue 32 page 46 there is a photo of Ak Miller in his 32 ford Roadster,no front fenders,And Early chevy IFS.I don't think you can get more traditional than Ak Miller.I'd like to open this point of build for discussion.