Thats a good looking T-bucket.I like the way you kept it more traditional,w.w.s look good on it.Looks like a well built piece.Thanks for posting the pics.
thanks. the cars pretty tight. except the fact that it steers and stops like truck. but hey, all the more fun!
Thats cool, never seen it before... You going to Etowns swat meet? would be cool to stop over and meet us all.. steve-
well i havent ever been to the Etown swat meet. but i think my dad has in the past. ill definatly consider it. when is it?
should be a good show and swat this year .. How old are ya? ^info and stuff
im 16, and thanx for the info. my dad an i will try to get over there. haha. the last time i was at ETown was when i was like 9 yrs old and i saw robo-saurus, jet cars and all that good stuff.
how aboout a rundown of the car? Frame, rearend, frontend , etc. "Just the Facts Mr.,Just the facts" JimV
well, the engine, rear, electrics, etc. came out of a 76 montecarlo. the frame is homebuilt, the engine is a 305, dual quads. the rear was modified to look like a quick change. the body is the extended glass version. the front end came out of a ford econoline van. since these pics were taken, we'ev changed the caps to 49'ford caps, and changed the steering wheel with a sprint car wheel. anything else you wanna know, just holler. cal
Captcal Hey, it's way cool, Got a 23,T last fall, Hope to start on it soon, so I like to see soon pic,
Cool! It just needs the wood beneath the turtledeck to look a lot like my plan. (oh, well, and wire wheels, different paint and an oil bath aircleaner...)
That's a good looking T Out of a sea of pickup bed Ts It's refreshing to see a turtle deck. Always my preferance. What's the front axle from and do you have any closeups of how it's suspended?
the font end is out of a ford enconoline. the leaf spring actually sits behind the axle it self, and it has a set of batwings that hang off the front end of the frame. hope that helps. ill try to put up some pics of it later -cal
Nice lookin bucket, and don't feel bad lowsprings, all I had was a bus pass till I was 17 , and look at me now!!! HAHA Mike
Wow! There's something I could drive around here WITH mandatory fenders and turn signals. Sweet T! Thanks for sharing the pics. WzRick