I am looking into getting this 1955 Packard Patrician and I am wondering how hard the parts are to come by for it... It looks like it used Cadillac parts and the engine looks similar to the Cadillac 331 V8.... I am getting a good deal on this nice ride but my concern is simply the parts on it... Are the parts interchangeable with other cars of that era? It has all the glass intact, floorboards are decent only a few rust through on the floorboards but nothing too drastic that cant be fixed with a patch of steel and a welder, all of the chrome is all there, interior looks pretty good for its age, appears to bea 12 volt system, has a straight frame... and more ... here are a few pictures of her to help you help me in this venture... thanks hamb'ers http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/xsharpx/55packard4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/xsharpx/55packard3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/xsharpx/55packard2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/xsharpx/55packard-1.jpg
Other than the carburetor, misc. electrcal switches and wheels, I can't think of anything that will interchange with any parts from a non-Packard. Don't let that stop you, there are Packard parts out there. Dan
I remember from my high school days swapping those taillights out on 56 Chevys...a little bondo helped but they looked pretty trick for the day.
Packard parts are tough, but they are out there. Hemmings Motor News lists some parts sources and Bill Hirsh deal with them, but more so the early models.
Packards make kool kustoms and have some wild body lines. My vote make it into a kustom, if you can't find a part you need then go to plan B. Below is a picture of Dudley's Packard, he is one of our Klub members. It is a radical kustom but you can get the idea of the potential...... Good luck, & welcome aboard Happy Trails, Mick
If that model has the torsion bar front end, there is nothing that will ride as well. The cars are really cool. Dependable and solid.
Hey packards are way cool and found some websites to help you out... Not to mention I also have an exstensive research library here in my shop for many many many other manufacturers including Packard. If there is anything specific your having a difficult time with just pm me and I'll see what I can do. http://www.thepackardlibrary.org/Parts%20Dept.htm -This one is good because it lists the interchanges between years. Tons of info here folks! http://www.packardpartsonline.com/ http://www.kanter.com/packard/ http://www.packardind.com/ - Excellent site that goes beyond just Packard parts, they sell multitudes of rare hard to find parts for many engine manufacturers.
Hi, i have a 53 parts car & 56 packerd clipper 4/dr complete cool car 4/sale can email photos..........Bob
Hopefully yours is not the Ultramatic trans..when the Ultramatic was behind the straight eight eng. it did OK..when they brought out the 352 V/8 and put the same Ultramatic behind it it did not hold up too well..the three-speed standard w/overdrive is the way to fly..I have several Packards and a pretty good pile of parts, even fresh rebuilt Ultramatic..Kanter is where I've gotten stuff before, not cheap, 94.00 for throwout bearing!....
That's bitchin if you like the moredoors. I think if you like it, then get it. Where there is a will there is a way, and a little ingenuity goes a long way. Looks like most of the "parts" you're going to want are easy to make or substitute. As long as you're not stuck up about numbers matching period correctness, you'll be all set, and there is a great tech post floating around here about making your 4-door a 2-door. Hell, I'd kill to have those taillights and that aircleaner alone! DO IT!
There are parts available, but plan on spend good bux for Packard stuff. My buddy inherited a driving, solid '55 Patrician several years ago. By the time he found the electronics for the torsion bar suspension, priced a rebuild kit for the motor, what it would cost to swap the ailing Ultramatic with a Mopar Torqueflyte and more, he became burnt out and sold it last year for $3500. I don't mean to be discouraging, but if you're doing a budget build, I'd swap the Pack mill/tranny for something else along with whatever else that I could. They are cool cars though.. Jan
This car does have the Torsion Level ride, and I notice it has A/C. You could sell all the A/C stuff for the price it will take to rebuild the engine. Don't fret about the trans, they're so misunderstood that everyone seems to think they're junk. Just remember, it's not a hot rod. I've been driving my '56 Patrician for over 2 years, the trans is fine. This is even after it sat for 40+ years. Modern rebuild kits can be had for $125 off of e-bay for the trans, just make damn sure you buy all the bushings for the trans, they're sold separately from the kit on e-bay. The same guy has everything you'll ever need for the trans. If you keep the engine, but want to go with a stickshift, you'll be looking quite a while for everything you need. I have a plan in the works to use a T56 out of a Camaro in one, using the original Ultramatic bellhousing. The only problem is, I don't have a car to put it in, because I plan on keeping my automatic in the car I'm presently driving. If you decide to go with a different engine/trans combo, I'd be interested in them.