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fun with cheep spinner hubcaps

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by rayjon, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,095


    I like this:
  2. Those bumper stickers are a riot!"Honk If you're Gay" is another good one:p My brother and I have been doing this to certain friends for years.We even did quite a few squad cars one night.Popcorn in the exhaust works sometimes but you have to push the seeds in way deep.We also like to leave picures of grossly fat or old girls with notes like "I had fun last night" under windshield wipers or better over the visor on the passenger side.
  3. Ramblux
    Joined: Jun 27, 2003
    Posts: 358


    Had a neighbor I hated when I was a teenager. He drove one of those small Honda CVCC cars, which as it turned out was a really light car. I could lift up the rear by myself, so I started swinging the car sideways in his carport (If you've seen Austin Powers, think of the utility cart scene). He wasn't the brightest guy, so it took him a while to figure out how to get his car out of the carport.

    I did that off and on for about a year, and somehow never got caught.
  4. I went to high school in the 60's with a wise-ass jock with no mechanical smarts at all. We would go out at lunch and switch 2 plug wires on his '62 Ford. Later that evening at the gas station I worked at we would charge him 50 cents to change them back. It happened about once every week or two for a year and he never caught on.
  5. Wesley
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 1,670


    My boss's son was really bad at backing into things, so bad that I had to replace the rear bumper on his S10 three time in the first year he was driving. When he bent the back bumper the fourth time my boss told him you fix it this time. About half way through replacing the bumper he got hungry (as teenagers do) and decided to go to lunch. He gets in his truck with the tailgate down and backs into the dumpster and wipes out the tailgate. At that point he gets into a friends car and goes to lunch. While he was gone I replaced the backup light bulbs with bulbs that have beepers built in. It took him two weeks to notice because he played the radio so loud that he didnt hear the beepers.
  6. Wait your back will remind you up in a year or two.:D

    Potatoes in the tail pipe ( or pipes) was popular when I was in highschool.

    One of the guys that I seriously didn't like had a 409 Chebby. It always fired right off. We stuffed both pipes with potatoes and shoved 'em in with a broom.

    We figured it wouldn't even light and he'd be really pissed. Wrong, he had a leaky exhaust as it turns out. It light off but wouldn't run worth a crap. So he floored it and it lugged intil it built up pressure and blew the potatoes clear across the parking lot. World's first potatoe gun I guess.
  7. G V Gordon
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
    Posts: 5,719

    G V Gordon
    from Enid OK

    When I was a senior in high school, (1967) we crawled under our science teachers Fairlane with a brake spoon and locked the front brakes up. He lived out of town and always left shortly after school on Fridays. My buddy and I were having to stay after school (the reason for the retaliation) and could see his little rental house from the study hall window.

    He gets in and it won't move, after about ten minutes of trying he calls the local garage.

    Tow truck comes and hooks on the rear and tries to leave but the front wheels won't move. Took the driver about a minute to figure out what was wrong (he graduated a year ahead of us) and a little adjustment with a screwdriver got Mr Fox on his way.

    My buddy and I were doubled over in laughter.
  8. Degreaser
    Joined: Nov 9, 2006
    Posts: 935


    My favorite is nevr-sieze (anti-sieze) under the door handle or even better is on the ear piece of someones phone. Talk about smearing! Ever tried to wipe that shit off?

    I also put " I love little boys" on my buddies tailgate with a huge sharpie marker. Our boss at work called him outside to ask him about it the next day. Funny shit indeed.

    The worst is a stringer of bluegill under another friends passenger seat in the middle of the summer. He was super pissed and the smell never came out. I'm a dick.
  9. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    I have a car buddy who fancys himself as a ladies man. Once at the James Dean run I brought along with me one of those old motel keys with keyring, you know, the real key, not key card. Anyway, I wrote this sexy note that said something to the effect that I've had a crush on him for awhile and would like to hook up tonight. Meet me in my motel room and signed it with a red lipstick kiss. I curled up the note, stuck it in the key ring and left it on the seat of his '40 Ford convertible and stood back. Of course the keyfob part of it just had the statement "if found please deposit in any postbox". It drove him crazy all nite trying to find out what motel it was from and did any of us see the female that put this in his car ect. He STILL talks about it to this day and has no clue it wasn't real and this was probley 10 years ago.:D
  10. usedall9
    Joined: Oct 30, 2006
    Posts: 423


    Zip tie on the drive line!!! Funny shit
  11. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    I've done this a few times, its one of my fav's

    I hadda buddy of mine that was the biggest honky/hunter/backwoodsy guy around, big burly cat with a gun rack in the back of his P/U etc....he just so happen to have a NRA sticker in has back window that was a circle.....the head shop just so happened to have the same diameter sticker, stayed on a MONTH.

    also put a gay pride sticker over an existing sticker, that one lasted two weeks....

    my bestwhen I was still an enlisted cat crew chief for a helo we had a metro sexual ladies man that drove us up the wall....he was also a surfer and had a black siloette sticker of a surfer dude riding a longboard on his flight helmet, I cut out a pair O twigs n berries and slapped em on the dude (that was the sacraficial prank) he noticed that within a day....what he didnt notice was the 3" tall sticker in red reflective tape that said "FAG" that was behind his tinted visor....with the visor up you couldnt see it, with the visor down you could, he would always flip his visor down when we spun up the the entire launch crew would be rollin on the ground laughin....finally after three weeks some tool seaman told him about it when he couldnt figure out why everyone was laughing at him....

  12. triton6972
    Joined: Apr 3, 2006
    Posts: 179


    Dead fish behind someones hupcaps. Stinks after a few days, and it takes them a while to find out where the smells coming from.
  13. My favorite under the door handle is prussin(sp) blue die that machinists use. Just a little bit goes a hell of a long way. Do it in the winter when it gets dark early so they wont see it till they're in the light somewhere, by then they will have blue on their face, dash, steering wheel, radio knobs, and anywhere else the happen to touch. I wouldn't do it to a friend though as you might make an enemy.

    I had a friend that worked at a refinery with a dick for a super and they slammed a vile of the sent for propane in the door of his truck. One oz. is enough to sent 10,000 gal. of propane or some such shit. When the guy opened the door he vomited into the truck. After gutting the interior and hosing it out with a preasure washer they finally just threw away the truck an got him a new one cuz the smell would never go away.
  14. redhumphries
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 423


    worked with a guy once that was a ford fanatic couldn't stand chevys at all. He had a 89 ford pickup and I put a tailgate panel off of a 92 chevy truck on his tailgate with 2 sided tape. He drove it around like that for about a month until he walked up to the back. It looked real and unless you knew you wouldn't think anything about it
  15. GTS225
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,262


    A bit of anti-seize on the exhaust manifold/header makes a hell of a smoke cloud.

  16. Chris Casny
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
    Posts: 4,874

    Chris Casny

    Bad Bob, is very adement about "not" selling his 49 Merc you know the AAA special. Some one put for a for sale sign with cell # on the car at the Pomona swap meet, with like a low price like 10 grand, the phone the rang off the hook. Drove him nuts.
    I acctually put the car on the HAMB for 12 grand, using his user name. We were at the HAMB chop, there was a laptop we could sign in. After Bob left the computer I notice he did not sign out, so what was I to do but play a prank on Bob.
    BTW, half the post you see of Bad Bobs are acctually mine.
  17. banjorear
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 4,689


    No where as vicious as previously posted, but maybe as funny as some. In some older cars you used to be able to turn the washer squirters 90 degress. In the summer we would pull up to a light just a nose ahead of someone. Pull the lever to clean the windows and the squiter would shoot a stream of washer fluid like a super soaker. The poor soul next to you never saw it coming....

    All the while we'd act innocent like we had no idea why that just happened. Man, would people be pissed.....
  18. Montgomery
    Joined: Jan 19, 2007
    Posts: 46

    from San Diego

    When we weren't as busy at work a while back, greased handles, steering wheels, and shifters were an everyday thing. Lots of mornings I would come in to find various things super glued to my work bench....marbles in the hubcaps was always good for a laugh...trying to guess how far down the street someone would get before jumping out and cursing. And the best one I did by far....was dumping 500 crickets in my buddy's work van. He called me later that day and said hey did you put a cricket in my van? I said no way man I didn't put "a" cricket in your van....
  19. They say if you can get cat piss(good luck)and pour it in the vents for fresh air in a car is about the worst smell ever.
    by the way you guys have some great pranks.
    Jamie of Dead City MC/CC
  20. ntxcustoms
    Joined: Nov 10, 2005
    Posts: 908

    from dfw

    I love the flowmaster stickers. With white electrical tape you can change the "f " into a "b "...
  21. Wesley
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 1,670


    a friend of mine rode his harley to work almost everyday where he worked with a bunch of guys that rode jap bikes. At least once a week he would go out to his harley and find a fresh puddle of oil underneath it. He told me his bike never leaked oil at home.
  22. rayjon
    Joined: Aug 15, 2006
    Posts: 127

    from Reno Nv..

    I didn't expect this thanks everyone for sharing this is great,

    The oil drip under a harley, that is great I need to go get a small oil squirter. I have several freinds who ride to work everyday and are very particular about their bikes...
  23. Barn-core
    Joined: Jan 26, 2004
    Posts: 946


    My Dad, Uncle, Grandpa, and one of there buddys all used to drive mid sixties Chevy pickups. They had an ugly old set of mudflaps that would get swapped back and forth on each others rides. They also figured out most of their keys were interchangeable, so if one would happen upon anothers truck un- attended they wouldn't find it where they left it when they came back.
  24. Trucker Jr.
    Joined: Mar 19, 2006
    Posts: 134

    Trucker Jr.
    from Fresno

    A fun one: in the summer freeze a can of shaving cream, not the gel as it will not foam up. And after carfully cutting off the can place in a car under the seat. When the shaving cream thaws it expands....hehe.
  25. A couple guys I work with got into a practical joke guy ended up with a 6-foot rainbow flag on the roof of his house and a want ad in "men seeking men" section of one of the seedy publications here in Sac.

    We did this thread a little while ago...there are some malicious f*ckers out there...but hilarious

  26. Bryan
    Joined: Jul 25, 2002
    Posts: 578


    For the skaters.....Remember those "Skateboarding is Not a Crime" bumper stickers? I made a "NAMBLA is not a crime" that found it's way onto a friend or twos car.
  27. hahaha...great idea!

  28. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    Any of you guys ever had your jaw broken for messing with someones car?
  29. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Back when I was serving in SF we would at times find ourselves with spare ammo, often the shotgun CS shot (Tear Gas) If someone pissed up off enough we would cut open the shell, take out the little bomb shaped CS projectile and cut the sucker open. CS is little Chrystal's that activate with the moisture in the air.
    We would then pour it into the AC vents on there cars, next time the AC goes on they're gassed out.
    Hell we enjoyed the fuck out of that!
  30. Roupe
    Joined: Feb 11, 2006
    Posts: 723


    To get even with a guy at work that could dish it out but couldn't take it and was homophobic, we drew 12" target on the ass of his coveralls with red lipstick. As soon as he put them on we sent him to the hardware store where he used to work to get some stuff. After that we put him in shipping and recieving. It lasted most of the day until one of the truck drivers ask him why he had a target on his ass. He was pissed. Oh well!

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