When it's cold and winter in Wisconsin there is always something to do. Wander out on the lake for some fun. Three model T's and six airplanes showed up today. Two were 1926's and one 1915 with gas lights.
We have the ice drag races every sunday in upper WI. (merril) it is a fun time. Those cars look cool and fun.
It was about 25 degrees and sunny. There was 16 inches of ice, very safe for cars. The speedster guy drove about 10 miles to get there with a full face helmet he was still a little cold.
That's what I call dedication to the love of the T. Ya'll would be as a happy as a "pig in slop" if you lived down here in the SOUTH , with all the good weather we have year-round..... Seeing these pics should remind me how we "southerners" shouldn't complain about 45 deg daytime temps. mratt
Love it! Thanks for the cool pictures. Think I'll use one of them (the one with the '15 and the '26 together as my new 'wallpaper'. That is a classic scene!
The 1915 is owned by a guy that restores wooden boats for a living. He drives the "T" to work more often than his ZO6 Corvette. I'll see if I have a pic of the motor, it has a aftermarket Waukesha Ricardo head on it.
Southfork, if you have high speed internet I can email you the bigger files of the pics. I also have a few more. If your interested in the bigger pics PM me your email address.
Hmmmm...more fodder for my thesis that Model T people have a high tolerance for suffering... I've observed at Hershey during weather disasters that booths remaining open during typhoons/hurricanes/volcanic eruptions and such are overwhelmingly Model T booths...the reason is doubtless that T people are completely unaware of what it feels like to be dry and warm...
Man I REALLY want a T, oh and after seeing those pics I am convinced we Californians truley are "pussies" , hats off to you guys for enjoying yourselves come hell or high, ummm ice...
Looks like a gas. Wisconsin's such a great state. It reminds me of West Michigan only without the beautiful sunsets. Man, I gotta get back to to Whitehall. I hate cities! -Dave
The speedster owner was teased about no heat and someone suggested he buy a model "A" but said he wouldn't that "A's" were to modern for his liking.
Here is a pic of the Waukesha Ricardo head on the speedster. I am not a "T" guy but assume they are rare.