I never heard the term Goldchainer 'til I saw it here. Pretty funny stuff. I saw a guy walking around the pits at Famoso March Meet with a flat top with fenders that ended in a real long mullett. I guess you CAN have it both ways, eh? So, my questions would be: could a person attend both the Round Up and the NSRA gig if he chained his wallet to his pants with a gold chain? If your cry baby doll has big cuffs on blue jeans and tats and a Cramps tee shirt? If the chair behind the car is vintage? Chardonnay in a PBR can? Let the flaming begin
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! later plmczy
Yea and then you have to get a bunch of bad ass tattoos but they all have to be about either Boyd Coddington or Chip Foose. The problem I see is how are you going to roll a pack of smokes up in one of those Hawaiian shirts?