So this year come tax season Uncle Sam was actually on my side, not sure if its possible but he was alot more giving than usual. I have a real nice 54 ford thats not quite complete but I am somewhat contempt with it for the time being. I really want to pick up a T Bucket project with my return but it just kills me to know it will just sit for quite awile before I even get around to starting it, might even have to pay extra $$ to store it elsewhere as my garage is already full with parts from my current project. Should I just finish the one I have without moving on to somthing else or will change motivate me to continue on with both projects? I know we all think differently but whats your take Anyone else out there thinking about spending tax returns on other projects?
My tax return is paying for my Viva Las Vegas trip and to get my 64 International Scout on the road. I know the Scout isn't a hot rod but it's going to be a fun parts chaser this spring while I'm doing the brake / suspension mods to the Bel Air.
thank for reminding, i got to call my buddy that does my taxes. **** if the 54 is on the road and it is drivable go ahead get a t-bucket. they are a lot of fun the drive like a go~cart on steroids. but only get it when you are going to start the project. don't let it just sit there you will not started if you do and both cars will be unfinished.*my 2 cents. ***** my tax returns are going toward my house taxes. go figure
A tax return is simply an acknowledgement that you lent the government money for free for most of a year. I don't lend money with no interest unless it's a good cause and I'd be willing to bet that the government's use of your money prolly wouldn't fall into your idea of a good cause. Adjust your witholding and build hot rods all year with the extra cash or invest it into mutual funds and pull it out at the end of the year. Letting the government hold onto your money for free is dumb, in my book...
Shit !! What's a tax return? I always have to send em about 6 grand.... Takes me a couple months before I can even think about cars till I get Uncle Sam paid off !
I'm in Chaz's boat. I'm self-employed, and always pay the piper around this time. And I'm just echoing others who've said that if you are getting a tax refund, you're calculating your withholding wrong. Patriotic citizens pay their taxes, but there's no need to overpay. BUT I suggest anyone with tax refund money to burn should buy my chopper. It's a lot cheaper -- and quicker -- than a car.
It wasn't going to, but I managed to track down the falcon that Sephgato had for sale last year and the new owner and I seem to have made a deal on it so looks like I will be getting into something to replace the Buick after all.
I was planning to buy the 57 olds a guy in town had, but someone must have gotten there return first. I will pay off a CC, and maybe buy that 68 Yenko hood for the Camaro. I did look at a 4 door 49 Merc that was complet but the turd who owned it wanted 2K without the Flathead and tranny. He wouldn't sell the 59 Chevy Pie wagon up to it's axles in the mud. Anybody around KC know of a good project I could score for 1-2K let me know. I have been eyeing a 56 caddy for a while but not sure if i like the whole car as much just the front from the front.
That my friend is why Redneck Smooth's idea doesn't work for me. It's too hard to really judge what we are going to get taxed one year to the next and I tend to spend on piddly shit and wonder why I can't find the bones to buy that expensive speed part when a good deal come up. As long as they don't take more than they should I prefer a return to paying even a hundred dollars.
I got money back too. I bought new front discbrakes for my F1, king pins, shackle bushings, gennie shifter, bed parts, paint supplies and paid doctor bills. Hell I still had some leftover to invest.
Hey LBCRUZR, thanks for reminding me that nina and i owe uncle sam 4K, i hate us having to write that check ! but on a lighter note i'll be out at the GOODGUYS get together on sat and maybe sunday in costa mesa, come on by and say hey !
I guess I must have done it right...... i got enough back for a tank of gas! Couldnt tell ya what I did wih the xtra over the year though!