I picked up this 54 this weekend, It has a olds motor in it. It has been sitting since 1963. It was a service truck for a appliance dealer. If you look real hard you can see a logo for the company. It is very original other than the motor and trans. It has big 5 wheel patern and a open drive line is this original. also a vent in the back above rear door not sure about that either.
The vent in the roof is not original......but if you plan on making a driver you might want to keep it.....sedan deliverys get hot inside......stan
should have a 5 x 4.75 pattern.. makes me thing someone did some swapping of the rear and front if it is also large pattern.. tail lights are not 54....
It originally came with a enclosed drive shaft so it most likely has the olds rear since they have a 5X5 bolt pattern. Jeff
Nice find! I've always like the looks of them. That one may have been raced with the NASCAR roof flap and all.