I went and drove around the outshirts today and found a truck I must have. WTF is it? It's in a whole row of ol' Fords and Mercs so I suspect it is a Ford. Help! I need that truck
Looks a lot like the 1941 Chev cab in my backyard. I could be wrong though, it's happened before. Shawn
i'd have to agree looks like an 41-46chevy/gmcbut i want that fat fendered ford are these for sell did you stop and ask by chance and were in ok are these if you wish to tell
I can't tell for sure the single belt line makes me think GM but the chassis looks mid 70s 1 ton GM for sure.
HAHAHA, Yes they are in OK, within a 600 mile radius of Norman to be a little more exact. And yes, I am tracking the owner to beg some of these from him. The other truck in the photo that will be attached to this post has an entire bed FULL of ol' hoods. (car/truck hoods, not hoodlums ) I love it! Here are a few mo'. Enjoy!
It a 1942 - 1947 Ford. It does have a two peice windshield. The center post to missing. The cab is the same as a 1940 - 41 Ford pickup.