I never have seen a head faint before But have painted the heads on my flatty. They do hold paint well. Just be sure to prep it correctly.
If you don't prep them well the paint will fleck off and cause you to faint. Which would be technically fainting (on) flatty heads!
rough em up a little with some 600 grit. Then prime 'em with zincchromate primer. Then the paint will stick forever(or a little less).
Wash them down to get them completly clean just like painting a fender. I use Cherry flavored Chap stick to mask off the top of the fins (easier than tapeing) Tape the big areas and shoot. The Olds and Pontiac heads burn the paint on the center exhaust points but, I've never had a problem with flatheads if they are prepared right. This head was painted 7 years ago.