I know it's not "required" in the rules, but does NHRA require an E-brake? Is anyone else running one? The rearend that I got to run in mine still had the e-brake cables and I hooked them up. Got them right this past weekend and will keep them in the car. I was just curious about anyone else running them.
Man! I never heard of a emergency brake on a dragster or any other kind of racer. I don't think we will be putting one on our car any time soon.
I can not think of a stiuation where I would want to pull the lever on an emergency brake...if I had one. However, there are times when A/C would be nice...but I just don't have room for the duct work. But I say...if you want an E-brake then what the hey...just don't gudge me too harshly if I can ever figure out how to get A/C in my car.
I had thought about using a foot brake as the real brake and using an emergency brake as a sort of manual line lock to keep you from rolling out of stage. Of course, a hand brake rather than a foot brake makes that unnecessary.
Godzilla, Now that's the best suggestion I've seen lately. A/C on a race car. The worst part of racing was sitting on the starting line in a dragster, in your fire suit and helment and the guy in front of you oils down the track, especially on a 95 degree day when the humidity is about 85 percent. Ron
Two years ago at the Nitro Nationals in Tulsa it was 106...set a racing surface temp record of 152. I was called to the staging lanes 4 times and then sat...because it would start to sprinkle as soon as we got there= 100% humidity. Not a breath of wind. Started sprinkling off and on at about 3pm...once we had first round in. Dragrcr50 and I were first round winners (so we had to stay for the $$$)....they called the race at 9pm. Lordy...now that one will have you looking for A/C. My two layer fire suit is plenty warm...cold won't bother me...just hate the heat and freaking cross winds. Anyother time...lets go racing!!! Zilla.
That day and back in 1968. I was racing at Manhattan Raceway Park in Kansas...in August. It was so hot that I jacked the car up and laid under it for shade. Now days I take at least two large bags of ice and a cooler large enough to swim in. I hate the hot!!!
I guess that I am the only one running a foot brake. three levers under the dash and a hand brake(emergency brake) for staging.