hey guys I could be buying a ford 302 rebuilt right now for $350. how do I know im gettin a good deal? what do I need to be looking for? he says it runs and the top half is rebuilt. Can someone please help me out and call me A.S.A.P. to give me some info. if you cant call please leave info. ill be checking this in 30 mins. Thanks so much (951) 522-6637 George
Maybe not my best area (engines). But I am always scard when I hear top end new. So often the bottom end will soon go. At least with my experiences.
i am thinking pull the pan and look for chunks also the oil pickup screen picks up some goodies if there is any thing floating around there's really no way to tell . with out having someone check the block for cracks. this better be someone you know and can get a hold of later.. most good friends would not steer you wrong. a stranger you may never see again? i would want a chance to check it out first. then if every thing looks good. go for it.. it's going to be very hard for someone here to wave a flag and say's it's ok. theres so many things about engines. 350.00 don't sound to bad for something to start with tho. just my 2 cents your pal mark
302 is a real good motor but I would be careful of a top end rebuilt one.In my experiance with them if the top end needed it the bottom probably does too.Most likely has alot of miles on it to warrant the work already done.I've had junk yard 302 motors that I bought for under 100.00 that needed nothing but a tune up.Take the time to check it out as much as possible.I think 350 is too much if it needs ANYTHING else. Good luck
ask if they put hardended seats in the exhaust valves when they did the top end, if they didnt you will have to eventually,the heads like to eat them
here you guys go. The Flatty is for sale!! any offers? Im selling the motor trans, radiator. I just uploaded the videos so if they dont work yet they should be working later on. I have all the parts and pieces I just removed some to clean up a little bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkJklWdilAk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRJCgK-QSCQ Sorry Slddnmatt I cant afford to run it = (
I've never had a problem with 302 valve seats recessing and I've owned a million of 'em. But I wouldn't buy a "top end" rebuilt motor from anyone, unless I pulled it completely apart. I think it'd be smarter to buy a decent running Ford with a 302...ratty Lincoln MK VII's, '80s Crown Vics, etc are around for under $500 and drive what you're actually getting. Sell some parts, scrap the carcass and you'll likely get the motor for close to free. Jan
well sense you "love them" thats make the price go up haha j/k make an offer and if it sounds good we will work something out.