I have an Airstream trailer we've named Betty and I'm looking for some WWII style nose art for a logo on the trailer. I saw some good looking stuff on some HAMB cars at GG in Scottsdale last month. Contact me directly x4x4@frontier.net so as not to waste band width here. BTW, I use dial up, so don't dump a bunch of samples on me!!!
you need to talk to flyingpolock. He's the master behind my avatar and was playing with some pinups last I talked to him. I hope to get his work on my car next summer. I'm still working on the elements that I want. You can see his work in a lot of the Friday Art Show archives.
contact CheaterRome, he is one of the best in the business, but I'm biased. check out some of the check out his picture trail sight. You know, even if you don't use him, check his site anyway, it is killer. www.picturetrail.com/jrome cheater carl is here to help.