We've peeped the club jackets, let's see those club T-shirts! Here is one of ours (one of my favorites, but I'm biased). the idea is obvious to some, but we made it our own. Your Ray of Sunshine, Carl of The CHEATERS!
"I am very opinionated and can be a prick at times." ....this must be one of those times. man, why can't people just be nice. is it cuz you guys are closer to the sun. I dunno maybe it's the salt in the air there. Dear Owner of the Grave Digger Monster Truck, our shirts design was to pay homage (which is French Canadian for homage) to one of the greatest bands ever. That shirt is fucking awesome which is the opposite of your vintage molester van. I will have you know that BOTH Paul Simonon (pictured) and Mick Jones are proud owners of this T-Shirt and both ordered XXL so they could sleep in them PJ Style! It's a vicious circle (Youth Brigade) my friend. For the record (and I'm sure you already were aware of this) the pastiche/design/homage (see previous paragraph for definition) for the London Calling Album was "stolen" by the Clash from Elvis Presley's debut album, but like I said, you probably knew that. P.S. I actually do like your Ford, but because I am short and bitter I had to stoop to such a low level. Sincerely, Carl Urbaniak Mr. Nude Jag Bag Runner Up 2005 Grave Digger Monster Truck Fan Club Member
Why do you tease me Jonathan Luc Jean Jacket, your hair, your ear wax, your scent, it is all still on me. I haven't washed my fingers for over a week, all I can say is thank you weekend companion. Editor: Tug Boat Magazine Technical Advisor: Chicken Hawk Monthly Carlos Urbanski