Its a Roadster!
It is a sedan with the front door sections removed and the hood was lengthned. Seen a few of those used as junk yard dogs in the old days. OH Shit now I gave my age away damn it Ray.
"Great for taking out on Sunday Drives..." yeah, after you've spent the week plowing the North 40 with it...
And this is odder than the UncertainT? It's onl y got a door on the drivers side...geting back at Henry for only putting one on the passenger side of the open Ts? or doesn't he expect anyon to ever ride with him anyway? (I've got all the body parts to make one of them....)
Looks like an X- drag racer from the early sixties. I've seen some pictures of racing Bantoms that looked like that. I kind of like it! Needs some help......but don't we all?!
he was attempting a jeem inspired concept truck and went outside the box after he heard posie`s was doing one
it needs another door(on the passenger side), moved up about a foot and a half, an A bed, and a few other items would make it decent. But then again that is ALOT more than I started with, not that it even putt together yet. -Jesse
Here's one in my back yard that 52plybizcoupes is building..Home build frame 9" ford 401 nailhead ect..
Donzie...Mike is gonna HIT you for that!!!! ....If you decide to buy it....don't take that offer of "a nice glass of water before you head home" from the owner.
I remember seeing a 'sketchpad' article in one of the mags not too long ago, (maybe Rod and Custom?) about modified coupes. It was when the little modifieds were gaining popularity. Anyway, the designs looked similar to that. Here's the one that Zipper Motors offers...........
K-member your body looks right the other (roadster?) is just plain wrong. Kind of like a puppy with 5 paws.
Actually with the lid lowered it aint a bad lookin car, and I've seen less goin' for more. Maybe the lid could be lowered somemore and get it a little closer to the ground.
THAT, fellas, is a REAL hotrod. The builder took something "regular" and formed it into something that didn't exist, before. Personally, I would have chopped and channeled it, but I didn't build it. If I was looking to buy a done rod, I'd be at my computer, Apr-03-04 19:11:46 PST. JOE
At least he solved the age old A problem of the drivers door flying open. That is true hot rod thinking!