ok, here it is, Rainer's Hawaiian C-Dan: Yeah, not Top-Chop, just radical lowering, mopar 273 and an awesome gold-leaf flame job:
I think the gold leaf was about 100 $. I´m not sure if I remember correctly though.I just love that car...
The car is awesome and pretty unique. That was alot of leaf and work. Really nice Pinstriping too! Congraulations! Joel
A nice little mopar sedan. I have respect for you European guys trying to build hot rods from American cars. Nice work, Ranier. I'll bet the Opels and VW's get the hell outa your way on the autobahn. The gold leaf is a nice touch.
Rainer, Two quetions - is there a story behind the "Hawaiian" name and what's the car club plaque say? Happy Truckin' Dennis
not a big deal with the name -- I like all the hawaiian stuff, like leis, tikis...-- and I was searching for gold leaf patterns - and where did I found the right one?? - jep in an hawaiian book here's our plaque
Boy do I feel like an ass, I didn't realize it was a mopar. I'm so used to fords and chevies being posted all the time. I seen the top of the grille shell and thought 34 ford. Rainer, you have a very nice ride there. What for motorvation do you have under the hood? later plmczy