Now that is quote worthy my friend. If you don't mind I may use it the next time some emptyheaded moron is trying to explain the finer points of building with junk to me. I gotta guess that the trailer hitches were used for visual impact more than anything else, I mean unless he just happened to have four of them laying around and the tongues to go with them they couldn't have saved him a lot of cash. Maybe the bigger metal was easier to hook up to the original radius rod mounts on the twin I beam than a smaller piece with a yolk.
Whats his name? Has anyone nominated him as a Darwin Award candidate? Hope he doesnt kill anyone besides himself. -JEff
Better thinking than this has landed many in jail and/or rehab: Ditto for me, my friend. As the great Homer Simpson said: "The only way to make yourself look good is to make someone else look bad. And I'm tired of making other people look good." Putting new tires on this thing is just like changing seats on the Titanic. -bill
actually it would be safer and stronger if he would have turned those 90 degrees and used them. next to this guy I look like a friggen genius!!
The dummy doesn't even have padlocks on the hitches. Somebody's gonna steal that sweet custom frontend.
pppppffftttttttt.......just sprayed my screen with coffee.......Doesnt he have buddies that would kick his ass for buildin this?...........
Hate to say it, but I kind of like the use of the TTB front suspension/axles. 'Course, I do kind of have a 4wd background. The hitch sucks as a detail, both structurally and aesthetically. However, my almost 17 year old son and 3 of his friends spent some time during spring break stripping down an old 91 Explorer and they intend to turn it into a lighter weight street machine. Will most likely still have the TTB. Guess my function is mainly as safety inspector!
I've been to 7 county fairs, 4 goat ropin's and 2 ape rapin's, and I aint never seen anything like that.
That old dude must have smoked some of that funny Columbian that was going around in the '60's! Why bother putting new tires on it! And what is up with the popsicle sign? With his lack of ability to build a decent ride he should have bought a kit and then he could have gotten approval for doing things like everyone else instead just catching hell. Just the way i see it.
If that gets driven over 20 mph I predict the owner will not be a 60 year old truck driver from Arizona.
Creative-Yes Stupid-Yes Safe-No Agh...seriously...he lives in the desert, is it really that hard to find an old body? Why did he have to use an deepfreeze? And it probably would've been safer to just attach an Beam-Axle out of something, even without breaks, right to the front-end, than to hitch that on...
Its all well and good to be telling it like it is here, but has anyone told the fool that built it he's gonna die in it?? It was posted on another board, please give us all the link so we can save the life of other road users! (He can kill himself for all I car, just not some poor kid on the side of the road)
Hey thats just called low budget layin frame. Pop the latches and presto don't need no stinkin air bags!
hey probably using a jump rope for a safety belt cause it was laying around==trailer hitches from Mexico come with crack instead of instructions== needed the two sets of wires for lites to complete this project==is really only 5 yrs old mentally and got loose in the garage==had a bunch of shit and used it instead of taking it BWAAAAAAAAAAAAH Ken