U-joint series Joint width (W) (inches) Cap diameter (D) (inches) 1310 W 3.219 D 1.062 1330 W 3.625 D 1.062 1350 W 3.625 D 1.188 1410 W 4.188 D 1.188 Thanks to Billavista and the PIRATE4X4 site for the info and pics!
I would beleive he is asking the "load capacity size" of the truck. No the CAP size is not the same. Brakes are different as well, rear ends are veriable in chassis style. Coils versus Springs. Early trucks, later early trucks, 70s to the 80s to the 90s and into now 2007. All different with each OEM spec requirments. Hey, get a grip and spell out your request newbie.............I love it when these new people on the web stumble into a hornets nest, much less the canabels on other sites..........lol....... lions.....tigers.......bears.....OH My Gaylord........lol......... You have just been roasted by a very patient person.........NOT Maximo