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How did you like the Round Up's Digs this Year?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by scottybaccus, Apr 1, 2007.


Did you like the new venue?

Poll closed Apr 15, 2007.
  1. No Way! Back to the park!

    29 vote(s)
  2. Expo Center was Koolsville, Daddio!

    125 vote(s)
  1. scottybaccus
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
    Posts: 4,109


    First off, I have to admit that I am a comparative rookie around here. I only have last year's Round Up for a reference, so any vets should feel free to straighten me out.
    I really liked the lay of the land at the Expo Center this year. It wasn't as crowded as the park at Festival Beach and parking was a breeze in comparison.
    I did get a little sun burn, but no worse than last year and I found enough shade to relax and rest, so our all day outing was great.
    It seems like there were far more "civilians" out this year. I don't know if that can be attributed to more parking, more promotion, my skewed perception, or a combination of these things.
    Sound off folks. I suspect the powers are listening.

    (By the way, The show was AWESOME! Nice job Kontinentals! Even Congress seemed to be without issue. APD seemed very lenient and no one was acting too foolish. Hell, Even DW stayed out of trouble!)
  2. grass hopper
    Joined: Aug 8, 2004
    Posts: 377

    grass hopper

    i like'd it alot the sun was hot but the breeze was cool. good times. wish i had my truck there :>( . HAMB drags are getting close so i need to bust ass.
  3. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    Member Emeritus

    bout how many cars were there ya think?
  4. 55 Mercury
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 889

    55 Mercury

    I enjoyed it out at the Expo Center!!! There is allot of room to grow and it was allot easier getting the cars in and out. Only thing that was bad was it was very hard to find parking on Congress by the time we got out of the show and back down town. ALREADY LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!
  5. reverb2000
    Joined: Apr 17, 2005
    Posts: 441

    from Houston TX

    If its kept at the park it should be invite only....send it pics and top 500 invited....the expo center was cool, definately big enough to get everyone in....but some cars maybe shouldnt have been there..(mercedes kit car for one).
  6. Tommy R
    Joined: May 18, 2004
    Posts: 717

    Tommy R

    The Mercedes kit car you mention.... Was that the one cruising Congress Sat. night? That hoopty was in the show?? What a disgrace.
  7. Kev Nemo
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 2,453

    Kev Nemo

    I liked the Expo center (if I can remember the pop-up next year). Parking on Congress is just how it's going to be- people want to gawk. It's like having a really hot girlfriend that dresses well and getting pissed when every guy looks at her!:D
    I don't think there would be anyway that Steve or the Konts could get all those businesses from Mary down to agree to just let our cars park there-it's just not economically sound for them. Food places, yes, but I didn't see a ton of people going into Factory People or Cissis (Sissy) Market from the show. Best you can do is get there early or just cruise 'til someone leaves.
  8. Colombo
    Joined: Feb 21, 2006
    Posts: 170


    I liked the Expo better. Hell, I've been to the Texas Heat Wave mini truck show and there layout sucks compared to the Roundup setup. The Kontinentals did a wonderful job on short notice. All the vendors in one section was great. Hot as hell but this is Texas. The parking on Congress, well that can't be changed.
    All in all I had a great time and my 54 finally made it's first trip to a show without breaking down.
  9. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Alliance Member

    Great Poll !! I'm certainly interested in the tallies.

    I don't think there is any doubt that it is easier to get cars and people in and out of the Expo Center. It was set up to do that and Festival Beach obviously wasn't. I love the atmosphere at the park. It's really pretty there by the water and under the trees. But I end up just as sunburt every year.

    We really do want to hear what you think of both sites. What you like better or worse and why. Ultimately, the decision is up to Steve, Brian and Will. They do all of the pre planning and behind the scenes work. And there are a lot of things that they have to consider outside of what we can get into here. The unpredictible Spring weather being only one of those considerations.

    So, I voted for staying at the Expo Center. It's way easier for me to park all of the cars, which is my main duty for the weekend. And we aren't as bound by the weather.
  10. scottybaccus
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
    Posts: 4,109


    Buzzard, You all did a wonderful job! I know the Expo Center lacks some (most) of the charm of Festival Beach, but it seems clear that the show is growing. I was suprised at some of the billet and non-traditional stuff that showed up, but I attributed that to the open registration that came at the gate. Maybe if there had been a firm registration deadline, and approval process would have worked. In any case, it was amazing to see vendors and cars from every corner of the country. I felt like the Expo was well received, in general and thought this a good way to convey that. The Round Up is sure to be a success anywhere it goes.
  11. LSW
    Joined: Apr 19, 2006
    Posts: 42


    I liked this setup better than the last 3 shows I went to at Festival Beach.
    Cars were set up better to look at, vendor row was great.
    My only complaint is the lack of vendors selling water.
    I know a lot of you like Lone Star, but sometimes when it's hot ( and you're hungover from Friday night on Congress) you need water, and don't wanna wait in a 30 minute long line to get it.
    Specific Example: I wait 10 minutes to get some meat on a stick. I also needed 4 waters. They don't sell it!
    I said on the drive out there that you guys may find last weeks weather to be a blessing in disguise. More entrants is better for everyone.
    I would maybe rewrite the rules of entry into the show to disallow that fiberglass Mercedes though.
    I'm not against fiberglass, just against ugly kit cars...
  12. The show was KICK ASS, hands down the best show I have ever been to. Mainly because of all the great ppl with out their heads stuck up their asses. Excuse my language, but man it was GREAT. I was not too impressed with the benz either, but it was different. We took our own water and gatorade in, maybe we were not supposed to, but with 2 kids, my wife and a wagon with canopy to tote the little ones around it, it was nice to reach in the zip up cooler for a cold water.

    I also like the expo center as well, the river spot is nice, but I can see where it would get really crowded too. Maybe if we could get somone to sponsor some big tents, like a rental company or someone like that. That might make it a little more satisfying for the wives and kids who need a place to take a break. I saw several ladies who were totally un-prepared for the sun. I guess bc I have been to many difernt shows and events outdoors, we always go prepared. We loaned out alot of 45 sun block and gave out a few waters/gatorades as well. Keep up the Great work guys. Thanks once again.

  13. OHR281
    Joined: Jun 6, 2006
    Posts: 341


    I too have been to texas heat wave many years (stopped many years ago because it sucks) and have always hated it. THe park is a more intimate setting, nicer with the trees and GRASS. these traditionally based events should be intimate and cozy with each other. If you want a big facility and huge attendance then go to Goodguys. (not bagging on GG becuz i attend at least four events a year, and still Round up is my favorite show because of the park and congress. I and many of my friends have discussed this since we heard of the short notice move, and all believe it has the potential of losing it luster if it gets too big. I do agree with the invite only. the cruising on congress is enough reason to travel to austin, so taking your rod into the park is only an added bonus. I have only had the opportunity to attend a run in paso robles once by happenstance while i was in the military stationed in central cali. And the area and atmosphere is one reason i have always wanted to return with one of my cars.
    Their is beginning to be such a huge variation in age groups and difference in people entering the hobby as it is getting more mainstream so there is not a surprise to me that their is a split in the beliefs of the big venue vs. intimate small park. THe kontinentals seem to me to be a great group and will make the best decision that they feel is necessary to improve the show and hobby. Round up is truly stretching its arms across the nation to hot rodders everywhere. I cannot recall how many different state plates i saw. It was impressive.
    Well I have given my 2 pennies, and hope it counts to someone.
    THankyou Kontinentals for another memorable weekend, and i am counting down til next year (362 days)
    And it was nice meeting you Beatnikkontinental.
  14. DragginWagon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2006
    Posts: 214

    from Tyler,Tx.

    Man there shouldn't be a negative comment one bout the show! This kind of stuff is to rare as it is. Be prepared and appreciate the event or stay home. Man this was put together in record time. And there was plenty of parking in the church parking lot after the show across the street from the club.
  15. It was my first, so I can't comment about which is better. I can say I enjoyed it immensley and the area was big enough for everybody to set up their shade pop ups and nobody was strapped for room.
    It was perfect except the long port o can lines and longer food and drink lines
  16. Frank
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 2,325


    shhh! ;-) Thanks for the ride guys, I appreciated it. There was also some new parking garage across from there I guess anyone could pay to park in. i didn't think parking was that bad on Congress unless you're in a hurry to get somewhere on time. A spot usually opens up.
  17. Evilfordcoupe™
    Joined: May 22, 2001
    Posts: 1,831


    I think shindigs with invite only are gay!!

  18. MarkX
    Joined: Apr 8, 2003
    Posts: 1,232

    from ...TX

    theres alot of that going around......... thats how the Elite like it.
  19. 55 Mercury
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 889

    55 Mercury

    I think people are taking my comment wrong about the parking down town. It just took more time to get down town to get good parking. The church lot was full by the time I got down town. The Konts. did a great job!!! and a great event move in only three days. Please don't take me wrong!!! I love this event!!!! Also a Big Thanks out to Reggie!!!!!! Great BBQ and Garage Crawl!!!! Denise also had great Cookies at the crawl and noon meet!!! Thanks Denise

  20. Kev Nemo
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 2,453

    Kev Nemo

    I can't believe I missed the cookies again this year. I was late to the HAMB group pic, but I signed the banner and shirt. There were additional bathrooms inside that barn area, but I don't a lot of people knew about them.
    All around kick ass show!:D
  21. Dan Howard
    Joined: Nov 24, 2006
    Posts: 10

    Dan Howard

    Wow. Best damn show in Texas, Steve you and the guys put on a great event, very well planned and organized, and carried out....and see God loves cars too, the weather was NOT forcast to be clear.... Also A.P.D officers need a round of applause...Had a great time, see you next year, my new log on 31Dan
  22. speedaddict
    Joined: Sep 28, 2002
    Posts: 2,420

    from Austin, Tx

    great show! I love the Expo myself...
  23. Saoutlaws_Gotti
    Joined: Jan 10, 2007
    Posts: 750


    man let me tell you what this is the third roundup for me and if i may say, i loved the festival beach but the expo center was the shit

    been there several times way back in the day when you could camp at the Heatwave and man this blew Heatwave out the water and up on the bank

    expo center has my vote for next year hopefully thou ill be more prepared and wont get as burnt

    im looking like a lobster well done today
  24. BLAKE
    Joined: Aug 10, 2002
    Posts: 2,783


    It's pretty clear to me. For a 200-car show, Festival Beach is the place to go.. shade trees along the water make for a nice afternoon. If the Round Up is gonna be a 500-car-plus show, it's gotta be at a big venue like the Expo Center. However, the Expo Center layout (and the way Steve and team organized things) made it much nicer than a typical parking lot mega-show.

    As far as the heat, lack of water/tents, etc..., I think the weather just caught everyone by surprise. Had we known it was gonna be sunny and hot on a day forecasted to be rainy, and if the Kontinentals had more than 3 days to move the entire show to another venue, lots of us would have been better prepared. Personally, I brought one jug of water and two jackets... whoops.

    The action on Congress speaks for itself... the fact that it's a total congested mess of cars and people is the reason I want to be in the middle of it!
  25. JTM133
    Joined: Nov 4, 2006
    Posts: 61


    I know a fair aount of folks who own businesses on congress and they were actually preety happy about he roundup...Gail, who owns blackmail (swanky clothing store, vintage cowboy boots, etc...) ended up staying open late on saturday cuz she was selling so much stuff. the vibe was way better than a couple of weeks ago when the sxsw goobers were in town....from a local..thanks for coming to austin and will see you next time
  26. Rocket
    Joined: Mar 7, 2005
    Posts: 284

    from Austin Tx

    I really enjoyed the show at festival beach but the layout and room of expo center was really good. It seemed like it was much easier for cars to get in and out as well as room for people to walk around although the vendor area seemed much more crowded than it was at festival beach. Over all i'd say with the size the show has grown to it would be best at the expo center.
  27. buzzard
    Joined: Apr 20, 2001
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    Alliance Member

    That's really good to hear. We definitely need for this to be a positive for the businesses up and down Congress as opposed to just a hassle.
  28. The Expo center was great. Parking for everyone was easier. The park is nice, but the show has grown. Last year to take off, I had to drive through a tent, sice my trucks to low to jump the curb.

    Buzzard, thanks for your help Saturday!
  29. I just hope and pray it stays at the expo center. Easier parking, easier to see all the cars. Perfect location!
  30. smalltownspeed
    Joined: Apr 20, 2004
    Posts: 872


    Wow... What an amazing event. It was cool gettin to meet and hang out with everyone.

    The garage crawl was a damn good time. Thanks to everyone out there who was a part of that.

    I think making the show invite only would not only suck, but would not be the least bit pratical or doable for the people putting it on. Really, think about what would be involved with doing that... And the politics that would come along with it... Not cool. The show kicked ass.

    A huge thanks to El Jefe for showing my stuff in the Gallery and to JTM for giving me a place to crash.

    The event lit a fire under my ass. Now im gettin back to workin on my burb', shooting more photos, and using all of the comments I heard on my stuff to help it be better than ever.

    Im convinced I did more cool stuff, and met more people than I can mention in one post...


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