Anyone know where I can buy a set of the curved header turnouts that look kind of like the ones on the tan car? My headers have a triangle flange with bolts 3 3/4 " apart which you can see if you click the link (can't figure out how to make the picture thumbnail size &%*^@#!!!)
I've never looked for them specifically - but I don't remember seeing them for sale from any of the normal outlets. Also... I'll bet there's a HAMBer in the HAMB-o-dex that does that sort of thing for a living and would build some to sell you.
Yeah, I need to. I've tried to learn by myself, but my welds look like shit and never hold up well. I needs some instruction..........
you can make them without welding. cut your tube 1/2 long. Notch it as it enters the flange then bend it (heat & hammer bend) it into tabs so as to not fall back through the flange. Once it is bolted up the bolt pressure will keep it secure. This method will also allow you to rotate the turnout in any direction you want giving you many more options. Out, Nate