I'm putting a Tremec TKO 500 in my '57 Merc. I ordered the trans with a shortened input shaft and was sent a trans with the long shaft. I have to swap shafts but have no experience dissasembling these. I can't figure out how to remove the front bearing without causing expensive amounts of destruction. It seems to be in three pieces. Anybody have any experience with this?
where did you buy this transmission from? if they made the mistake,then they should either; a.have you send it back so they can send you another trans,or fix yours and send it back to you. or b.pay for a qualified transmission shop do the job. i would be pissed off,if i were you
Trust me-I'm violently angry. The company is Modern Driveline. They SUCK. Very unprofessional, very cut and dry as in "its your problem now". They say they have no record of me ordering the trans that way. I want the car on the road for the Jalopy Showdown, so I don't have time to dick around with sending the trans back. It doesn't seem to be too complicated if I can get the shaft out without resorting to the hammer and chisel approach.
See i you can find an exploded diagram of the trans or a service manual for it. Should show how it comes apart. jerry
I could help you , but im just outside of reading pa. my pop is in palmyra (near hershey) ill swap it if you can get it to him.
Sounds like you're all set, but here's some literature from the manufacturer anyway: http://www.ttcautomotive.com/English/onlineorder/product.asp#Service Manuals I don't see a TKO service manual, but there is a parts book. I imagine the TR-3550 is real similar and you can get a manual for that. On my 3550 it was 4 bolts on the front bearing retainer to remove the retainer and input shaft. Then 10 minutes to fish out the two bearing rollers that dropped to the bottom of the case . It's pretty easy, really. Just be careful about those front bearing rollers. Use a little grease to hold them in place when you re-assemble. Hope this helps. Chris
Look on page 3 of the 3550 service manual. Item 88 is the front bearing retainer with 4 bolts (item 87) holding it on. 93 is a tapered roller bearing that comes with the input shaft (94). 95 is the loose rollers inside the end of the input shaft that are going to drop into the case if you're not careful. Step 33 of disassembly on page 12 walks you through the process. You can start here - you don't have to take the tailhousing, shifter assembly, etc off first.