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Whats my all steel 32 Ford 5 Window worth??????

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by LilDuec, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. LilDuec
    Joined: Feb 28, 2006
    Posts: 288


    I know I know another stupid "what its worth" thread. Sorry but I just have to ask. I just recently found out that I have a baby on the way, we have a wedding planned in June, and tryin to buy a house. Sooooooooo I might (and thats a BIG might) have to sell my coupe to get some money for all of this. Plus we will probably be getting a fat fendered car sometime soon. Somethin with a back seat at least! So what do you think? I might be puttin it on egay just to see what it would bring. Thanks for the input!
    32 ford coupe all steel, no chop and channeled about 5 inches, 57 Pontiac rear end with truck style trailing arms, 327, 350 trans, nice comfy seat I fabbed and stiched up (even with memory foam in it), nice driver pretty much take it everywhere with no problems. And the only reason its multi colored is I cant decide what to paint it!! LOL!!




    With the old wheels on it
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  2. You need to put some paint on it, Paint is what sells! A quick paint the color of your frame would be easiest at this time and make it look a ton more compleat even if the person wants it another color. You don't have to do a perfect job on it but it will pay off.
  3. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,031


    If I had the funds to bid my first question would be about the true condition of the bottom 6 inches of the body. Could you bring it back up to stock hight?:)
  4. Speaking from experience, your kid will want to find that car someday......just keep it and find the money another way.
  5. LilDuec
    Joined: Feb 28, 2006
    Posts: 288


    Well I do have replacement panels for the quarters too so I'd say its fine.....but I was gonna replace em anyways. As far as bringing it back up to stock height? Yeah I guess it could be done................This was probably done back in the late 60's when it was first built into a hot rod so I didnt want to change it.
  6. I'd start at $40,000....

  7. 2manybillz
    Joined: May 30, 2005
    Posts: 843


    Don't do it, you'll be sorry eventually.
  8. flathead48
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 252


    What Don said. Theres got to be another way to raise the cash without selling that car. If I could have half the cars back that my old man had before I was born I would be a very happy man.
  9. LilDuec
    Joined: Feb 28, 2006
    Posts: 288


    Yeah thats why I keep saying its a BIG if right now. I'm just tryin to get some numbers in my head to see.
  10. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,031


    There are thousands of cars out there, your kid is one of a kind, stepping up to make things easier is the thing to do. Been there done that...............actually STILL doing that. :rolleyes:
  11. trade ya for stroller ,car seat, walker ,a case of infant diapers..1/2can of formula
    1/2 hour babysitting ...MY ATTENTION SPAN IS LACKI....Z...Z.Z..

  12. The kid is one thing... the house is another...
    Selling it to pay for a wedding is just stupid...

  13. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    I agree with the paint it comments. It will definitely make it more presentable and bring you more money.

    I would think long and hard about selling it though. Could you afford to buy another one for what you are going to potentially make on this one? I'd guess that this car will bring $30k all day long in the proper market.
  14. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    I have a son that'll be one next month....I don't take my truck out much 'cause the family doesn't fit, and have thought of selling. But then I think of when he'll be a little older and just the two of us will be able to get away from the girls and go cruisin''s gonna be great!!!

    But then again, I agree with 37kid what's best for your family.....
  15. Absolutely right...just a quick blowover will increase the price by around if your starting at $40000 as is get it painted and start at $45000.
    I don't know if I would sell the car unless I really had to but then again I don't have to buy a house nor do I have a kid on the way. I have been in your position and the money you get for the car will mean you get a better house and maybe a slightly easier life (less worrying about moving to a bigger place and money in general if you have even a small stash of cash). I spent a long time without a rod due to houses and kids but now have a steel A roadster and a 51 Nash pick up as my daily and really wouldn't change a thing, even though I had to pass up a number of cars I now know I'll never get to own (and to be honest now don't want to ever own!) The rodless bit did piss me off massively at every car show we went to but I now have a nice house and fantastic kid and like I said a Rod I never thought I could ever own and a full on Kustom I definitely thought I could never have let alone both and one as a daily.....What I'm saying is it's a car, OK a nice car and there's not another one like it but it's a car that you will replace with sumat else. That may be some POS daily for a while and you may never get that one back but eventually you will replace it with waht you want so do what you a last thought for you I am going to take my son to his ai kido class in 20 mins and am going in the rod.....because he fucking loves hot rods.....5 years ago he loved Hotrods but I didn't have one to take him in
  16. It's PRICELESS! Get the money thoughts out of your head.....if you can. Even though money is tight right now, you can probably still make it work without selling the Deuce by cutting back here and there, eating out less, having an older daily driver, doing a little more upholstery work on the side. The the car has history (I can see what looks like a roll bar left in it) and if you keep it, you can add to it's history, and maybe even your kids will be a part of that, too. If the car keeps you all close enjoying it and making memories for them, keep it. How does your (future) wife feel about the car? Is it important enough to both you to keep it? I know both of you are heading into a whole new unknown phase of your life right now, so try to look down the road and see if you will regret selling it. Don't do anything drastic right away. Look at it as your kids college fund if that helps keep it around for awhile. There is nothing worse than "the one that got away".
  17. monsterflake
    Joined: May 13, 2003
    Posts: 3,763


    if you need some money, i need some upholstery work...
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  18. wetatt4u
    Joined: Nov 4, 2006
    Posts: 2,146


    I'LL start the bid at
  19. Deuce Roadster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
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    Deuce Roadster
    Member Emeritus


    Value ???

    Put it on eBay ... and find out ...
    eBay brings the money. Day in and Day out ...
    Proven time and time again. Just read all the rants about stupid eBay prices on 32 Fords and their pieces.

    Problems I see ... or my opinion :rolleyes:

    1) Channeled car ... they as a general rule do not bring as much $$$
    2) Too many colors going on ...
    3) ugly fuel tank ... and front turn signals
    4) Non original style dash
    5) roof filled ... :(

    The car looks like it was built by a committee. Too many different directions.
    I suggest priming the entire car ... that would go a LONG way in cleaning it up IMHO ...

    Now the real advice ...

    Do not sell it ...
    You will regret it ... this woman has been with you this long ... find another way to finance your/HER plans.
    Park the coupe, get a part time job ... whatever ... not many young men can truthfully say they ever owned a DEUCE coupe. I have owned my 32 Roadster for almost 30 years. Selling it has NEVER been a option. I could not affored to buy a all steel original 32 Ford roadster at today's prices ... but then I do not have to ... I kept mine thru the hard times. I suggest you do the same .
  20. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    It's still just a car...I don't think it's a 40K car myself as it sits,maybe 30,but I have been wrong before. Hell You can always get more old cars...maybe never another 32 ford,but so what...there's plenty of cool old cars available and's still just a car. Family first has always been my motto...thats why I rarely make any shows anymore....but I never miss ballgames,soccer games,beeen on many field trips,always been there for birthdays...etc. Do what's right for you. (and yea...I would shoot it one solid color and ebay it if I were selling it)
  21. chevnut
    Joined: Jun 29, 2006
    Posts: 978

    from Corona, Ca

    It's a forgotten fad. 32 5 windows are not worth anything anymore. they are a dime a dozen. Tell you what, I'll give you a quarter for it. and I'll even haul it away for ya.:D
  22. bardahl1
    Joined: Oct 16, 2005
    Posts: 353


    I'm selling mine.

    I have a 32 5W project that's moving along fine. When it's done I'll sell it. I've got a new Jr. and we all won't fit in the coupe, or the roadster or the 36 p/u for that matter. And I need a bigger house too.

    But the others that urge you not to sell have a point. I think the biggest thing is not to let all of the $$ disappear into the financial sinkhole of family life. Use at least some of it to get that fat fender or at least something else you like - but do it right away. If you wait it'll be gone and you'll find it alarmingly hard to create any decent pile of cash with a household going on. If you go from a 32 to a 40 2dr you can still have a good ride and pocket some $$.

    I'm going to sell my P/U and my 5W and get me a sedan - so we can roadtrip. But thats easy for me to say - I've still got the roadster and along with my girls its all I really need in life.

    I also agree with the others - paint it. Satin is cheap, I'd go with a lesser used color like dark green.

    Pics - my roadster on the New Zealand roadtrip, and the NZ sedan that has inspired me - it belongs to Paul Grace of NZ Hot Rod Mag.

    Good luck and keep the wedding cheap - I did mine at the courthouse and you'll need the $$ for Jr.

    Attached Files:

    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  23. As Some Family Membershave Done ... Bass Boats- Homes And Guns ..(not Me)
    Get The Parents Or Relitives To Buy /the Car And Store It Until You Can Buy It Back...
    Borrowing From People Is Easier To Pay Back Than Getting This Car Back...
    You Must Decide The Value Of .... Family, Wedding , Future In Hot Rodding

    As Been Said These Cars Are Not Easy To Replace And Visions Of Norman Rockwell..ion Familys Are Reallly Few If You Think $ Is The Key..
    What Will You Drive From The Wedding Church?
  24. glassguyOC
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
    Posts: 348

    from O.C.

    its a neat car.
    unchanneled and in one color with the right "look" it would be worth 40K perhaps.

    I'd guess that if it was cleaned up, in and out, with a nice wheel/tire combo it would get to high 20's to 30 on ebay. I'm not seeing the 40K mentioned before but I could be wrong.

    I am an old man and should have bought every 32 ford I could have instead of wasting time with stocks. I have always liked five windows over three windows although they are not worth the same. and roadsters..., well, forget it.

    good luck.
    family over cars any day of the week.
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  25. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,095


    please don't sell it. Think of all of the fun you've had in it... the memories from this last Hunnert Car Pileup alone...

    I've never met you, but I'll never forget your car or the whole valvecover debacle.

    You can't replace memories.
  26. I have a nice 46 ford sedan with a large back seat that is dead reliable I'll be happy to work with you on. :)
  27. Aman
    Joined: Dec 28, 2005
    Posts: 2,522

    from Texas

    What a piece of shit!:eek: Tell you what, I'll trade you my 88 Suburban straight up. Oh, the 350 is fucked but still, straight up dude!:D :rolleyes: ;)

    For real, it's worth whatever you what for it. And, you already know that don't you?:)
  28. Bondoboy
    Joined: Apr 14, 2005
    Posts: 648


    ya dont sell it. THAT IS NOT just a car, unless you look at money like its just money and no big deal, but Im not that rich. Put it away and forget you own it until all your finances are figured out by other means. If it was a Model A or something that would be one thing, but thats more of an investment car, that will just be worth more and more over time.
  29. 8flat
    Joined: Apr 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,392


    Ha, I was thinking the same thing. That was a good story. Keep the car. How many times have you heard a guy tell a good story about the car he used to have, and then it turns to "shoulda never sold it".

  30. continentaljohn
    Joined: Jul 24, 2002
    Posts: 5,703


    I can't tell you how many times I hear they are all gone and you'll never find one.. The problem is I do find them and more often I want.. I look everyday every morning while drinking my coffee and know were three 5W sit right now. You can buy them because the owners aren't ready to sell or part with them. All three have been sitting for over 30 years and I don't think they have moved a inch. Your right on when you say the prices are going up, but what isn't?!
    As far as " what's it worth" my guess and that's all it is 25-32 K as a driver. I too would fix a few things to attract more buyers. My family comes first and get a good start with your new family. We'll find you a nice Model A coupe or sedan for the family and in my eyes just as good and cool!

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