Chopped/channeled, 32 5 window done 60's show/drag. Body is going Lime-Green 'Flake. Now, the 3 thoughts on scallops(?) Purple faded to pearl white, outlined in orange pinstriping Pearl white with purple tips outlined in orange pinstriping Just pearl white outlined in purple pinstriping (my fav) AAAND, go
Just me, but I'm not hip to Oragne striping on dark colors as the base...I like your 3rd suggestion...but if any way to photochop the color scheme and post it, gives us that have some decent taste, but poor visual concept, a better chance to comment. You install the pedals yet?
I used my last set on this car. So, i bought your pedals to replace them, so i'll have them when i need them next. Should be soon, thanks
Cool, I saw a pic of one of your cars a month or so back, I'm 99% sure you'll make the right seem to have good thought on stuff from what I've seen.
well since you asked for an opinion,,,(the wrong thing to do on this board!) i personally,,have never liked scallops,,,i just dont like busy
why not try some ghost scallops like in a pearl so that they have to look close to see what they are looking at
Fortune favours the brave. But you can also crash and burn or just end up plain ugly. I'd say #3 out of those options.
The jury is still out on the scallops, but i'm thinking about it. It's an easy thing to hate if the proportion or color's off. As far as ghost scallops? I don't think that would go with the IN YOUR FACE look of the flake paint job. "IF" i go with the scallops, i want to see them. I may just do some "nose" art on the sides of the cowl. Or, just let the flake be. These are just thoughts to consider while the 1st clear shrinks in, and before final clear's applied.
#1 - No #2 - Not a 50/50 fade but I think a little more than the tips would look great. #3 - Less is more, if you go that route. I think its not enough if your entire base is flake. JMO. Good luck.